Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

When accessing the main page of the AWB system, a graph with information regarding the registered orders, the orders that are on the base, the orders that have been sent to the rig and the orders that are on the rig will be displayed.

When clicking each status, the system shows the orders of each situation.

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The Basic Register manu show the following options of registration:

  • Type of Modal
  • Type of Purchase order
  • Type of Imported Document
  • Rig


Type of Modal
Intended for registration of the kynds of modals that will be used during the process. To enter a new kynd, click New and inform its name.


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Type of Purchase Order
Intended for registration of the kynds of Purchase Orders that are used during the process..
To  To enter a new type, click New and inform a name, abbreviation (acronym) and the regular expression that will identify the abbreviation at the moment of inclusion of a PO (Purchase Order).


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Type of Imported Document
Intended to register the types of Impor Documents (or Import Statement) that will be used during the process.
To enter a new type, click New and inform a name.


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Intended to register the rigs that will be used during the process.
To enter a new rig, click New and inform a name.

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The menu Modal displays the following steps:


Register Order
Intended for entering a new register of modal through this routine. To enter, click New, insert information and save.

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Choose the Type of Modal. This Field has been previously registered in the Basic Register, at the Type of Modal routine.


Inform the tracking code of the Modal.


Choose rig. This Field has been previously registered in the Basic Register, at the Rig routine.


Inform the estimate date of arrival.


Inform the House Number.


Inform the PHO.


This Field XWPO field is automatically filled when we enter a PO with an abbreviation previously registered in the Basic Register Menu, at Purchase Order routine. .


Options for Closing, Cleaning and Saving information of the form.

This tag is for POs. Type the PO number and press ENTER or click [ + ]. In order to delete one PO, select one PO and click [ - ].

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Arrival at Base

Any addicional data to be informed at the arrival time at the base must be inserted in the system through the Arrival at Base routine.
To be able to change information, click the modal you wish to change. The system will display a for (sse image below) with the fields to be filled that concern this step (Arrival at Base).


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Inform the arrival date.


Inform MS Reference.


Inform CIF Value (cost).


Define Document Import Type. This Field has been previously registered in the Basic Register Menu, at Kynd of imported Document routine (Importation Statement).


Inform the Imported Document (Importation Statement).

Âncora_GoBack_GoBackSending to Rig
Any addicional data to be informed at the momento that the order is sent to the rig must be entered in the system through the Sending to Rig routine.
To be able to change information, click the modal you wish to change. The system will display a for (sse image below) with the fields to be filled that concern this step (Sending to Rig).


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Inform the CM (cargo manifest).


Inform Data CM.


Inform the estimate date.

Arrival at Rig
Any addicional data to be informed at the momento that the order arrives at Rig rig must be entered in the system through the Arrival at Rig routine.
To be able to change information, click the modal you wish to change. The system will display a for (sse image below) with the fields to be filled that concern this step (Arrival at Rig).


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Inform date of arrival.

The field Observations may be edited at any stage of the modal, thus allowing the user to inform any addicional data necessary for the specific step.
Each step will have their own notes. Thus, one step does not share all information with other steps, which means that notes typed at the Register ster (for example) are NOT loaded when a modal is opened for editing at at other steps..


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The Query menu displays all enquiries pre-registered that are necessary refering the AWB process.


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I order to run a pre-registered enquiry, click [RUN] and the result will be shown on the same screen.