1. Introduction

Usually, embark scheduling are made automatically by DRAKE. But if another type of worker needs to embark, the schedule should be made manually through this tool.

2. Get Starting

2.1 Access POB screen by the follow path: Tasks > Onboard > POB.

2.2 After that, the screen below will be displayed:

2.3 To set any embark, click: Schedule > Embarkation

2.4 Then, a screen will show up:

2.5 By main default DRAKE settings, a few info will be automatically filled, such as time and the day of embark, like image below:

Then set embarkation date and time by your own preferences.

Ex:  The worker embarkation will be on 09/30 at 9 a.m.

May have some cases that the schedule will be done after worker embarks.

Ex: The worker was embarked in 09/15 at 8 o’clock a.m., although his schedule will be made only in 09/22. In that cases, date and time must be changed for embark’s day. It means, 09/15 at 8 o’clock a.m.

PS: At the embark’s confirmation this change must be done as well.

2.6 Settle info about worker who will embarks

The worker’s name should be filled at the “Person” field. Fill requested info and click “Save” to complete, or “Save and new” to save and start new one.

If worker wasn’t be registered in system, click “Add New”.

 2.7 Then inform worker details such as Identity, RNE, Nationality, Blood Type etc. After that it will be necessary add a phone number for emergencies.

Filled all requested info, click “Save” to complete or “Save and New” to save and start a new one.

2.8 The schedule will appear at embark’s board.