Tasks - Position diference execution request

Tasks - Position diference execution request

1. Introduction

This functionality was developed so that the task of “Relocating a function on board” (Tasks - Chanhe Performed Job ) previously requested, so that the worker can be changed. After creating this request, it will enter an approval flow.

2. Access permission

To have access to this functionality, the "Manter Solicitação de Diferença de Função" permission must be granted to the profiles responsible for operating and controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Segurança - Configurar acesso (Versão anterior)

3. Access

3.1 Access the functionality through the following path: TASKS > ON BOARD > POSITION DIFERENCE EXECUTION REQUEST

3.2 Once the access is made, "Role difference execution request" screen will be displayed listing as existing occurrences.

4. Requesting a role difference run

4.1 To create a request, click on the include button in the form of "+" located in the right corner of the screen.

4.2 Após o clique no botão de inclusão, um novo quadro será exibindo contendo alguns campos que precisarão ser preenchidos.






Name of the worker who will perform the job difference.


Worker function (This field is automatically filled in after selecting the worker)

Tole to Do

Function that will be exercised during the function difference.


The type of the function difference.

Organizational Unit

Operational unit where the function difference will occur. This type is a type of occurrence and must be previously registered on the occurrence registration screen, being an occurrence of the "Difference of function" event.


Contract linked to the difference in function.

Cost Center

Cost Center linked to the difference in function.


Period in which the function difference will be exercised.


Period in which the function difference will be exercised.

Substituted Worker

Field used to inform the name of the replaced worker in case the need for the job difference is due to a replacement.


Inform the name of the replaced worker if the difference in function is required due to a replacement.

Request Reason

Free text

4.3 Compliance analysis

After filling in the mandatory fields, it will be possible to analyze whether the worker meets the requirements for the performance of the job difference.

To perform this analysis, just click on the "Analyze" button, located in the lower right corner of the screen.

The system will inform whether the worker meets or not the requirements of the function that will be performed during the difference in function.

If the worker does not meet the necessary requirements, it will be highlighted which qualifications the worker does not have and which are necessary to perform that function.

4.4 Based on the compliance analysis, if you want to create the request, click on the "Save" button.

Upon completion, the request will already be displayed on the functionality's initial screen and the function difference approval flow will start according to the settings of the same.


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