POB - Cadastro - Cabins
1. Introduction
The feature POB allows analyze and identify every employee onboard, such as cabins and beds. Each cabin may have more than one bed, so here you’ll inform cabin’s details. This information is required to POB unit run without mistakes.
2. Get Starting
2.1 The first step to be done is the POB access. Follow the path: Tasks > Onboard > POB
2.2 Then, the screen below will be displayed:
2.3 After that, on menu bar, click: Register > Cabins to register onboard cabins, as well as beds.
2.4 Cabins screen will show up. Then click on “Add” button
2.5 The screen will update as image below. Fill required info as name, phone and if cabin is active.
The system saves automatically.
2.6 Now it’s time to register cabin’s beds. For that, will be necessary click on “add” again.
2.7 A new screen will be displayed. Fill required spaces and inform a lifeboat for that cabin.
Then, click “Save”
This info must be filled for every registered cabin.
2.8 On corner of your screen, a board showing cabins info will appears.
2.9 For delete a registered cabin, select wanted cabin and then click on “Delete” (Trash icon)
2.10 After that, click on “Back”
2.11 At cabins screen it’s now possible to see registered cabins and how many beds they have. You can also see how many cabins are active and how many are inactive.
2.12 To delete a specific cabin, select it and then click on “Delete” button, as image below:
2.13 If you want to edit some cabin, click on “edit”
2.14 Have done it, the screen with cabin info will be displayed. Change or add info as your preferences.
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