Reports - Vacancies Plans

1 - Introduction

In this page the user will find a list of vacancies per plan created on .

The vacancies plan allows to follow-up the workers that comply with these vacancies, as such as possible embark validations of it. This page is for consult only, not being possible to interact directly, providing a better control of the vacancies.

2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "View Vacancies distribution" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Steps

3.1 Go to the page by following the path: Reports > Crew Change > Vacancies Plan

3.2 On this page will be possible to consult the vacancies by plan. On upper left corner has a drop down to select the plans created on .

The image below is an example of how the page will be after a plan selection:

3.3 Above the drop down option, has a button to “Export to Excel“. When clicking above the option, the table will be completely exported.

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