Records - Supplier Monthly Limit

Records - Supplier Monthly Limit

1 - Introduction

The “Supplier Monthly Limit” is a stipulated limit on how much will be spent, with each supplier on a monthly basis, in which the Supplier can use the value of the unit to which it belongs for the month in question. For this, the logistics supplier must be registered in Records - Persons - Entities* and that the "Cost Center" is informed in Records - Financial - Cost Centers. If the supplier is a user of iDRAKE Logistics, the registration is done automatically by the system, for more information, access the tool's articles in iDRAKE Logistics, or get in touch with our support.

2 - Permissions

To have access to this functionality, the permission "Keep monthly supplier limit" must be granted to the profiles responsible for controlling the registration.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting access permissions

3 - Registering a monthly supplier limit

To register a monthly limit for suppliers, access the following path: Records > Logistics > Supplier monthly limit.


Once logged in, a Monthly Supplier Limits screen will be displayed. To register a new limit, click on "Add".


Once you click on Add, a new window will open. Fill in all fields with the information corresponding to the limit you want to apply. The fields in question are: Month, Year, Cost Center, Account, Value.

Once all the fields described above have been filled in, the supplier that will have the applied limit must then be selected.

To perform this procedure is very simple, below the fields described in the topic above, you will have a list of all suppliers registered in Drake (use the filter for greater ease when choosing). Select (check) the supplier in question and finally click Save and close.

Note: Selecting the flag "Show only selected", in the list of suppliers, only the suppliers that the user has chosen will be displayed.


Note: If you want to create a copy of this record, modifying only the "month" "year" of it, thus generating a new limit, click "Copy".

Then define the month and year in which the limit will apply.


4 - Changing Monthly Supplier Limit 

 To carry out the change operation, we must first click on the monthly limit already registered, and then the same registration window will open.

Change the information you want and to finish, click the button "Save and close".


5 - Deleting a supplier's monthly limit record

To delete one of these records, just select the desired records and finish by clicking on "Delete".


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