Records - Qualification Requirements

1 - Introduction

The registration of Qualification Requirements impacts directly on the way DRAKE will analyze each one of the demands for many processes regarding the Training Module, relating and comparing every moment the requirements to the contexts.

This process is very important considering that its execution must be planned evaluating the many scenarios to apply, so the contexts definition is correct.

After registering the Qualifications and creating the related Courses, is time to add the Requirements to the Matrix. Here you will inform the system which Qualifications are necessary the system must comprehend according to the Requirement Type . Must be created a new Requirement for each Qualification that will be added to the Matrix, however, in each Requirement is possible to define which Operational Units , Departments, Jobs and Activities will be lead by its registration.

2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Maintain Qualification Requirements" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Registering the Qualification Requirements

The first step is to follow the menu: Records > Compliance > Necessidades.


To register a new Requirement, click on “Add“. 


A window will open with the following tabs: Main, Operational Units, Jobs, Contracts, Country, Persons and Activities.


On the tab “Main“ fill the requested fields.


  • Matrix: Qualification Matrix to be attended by the Requirement.

  • Description: Name of the Qualification Requirement.

  • Qualification: Defines which Qualification will be related to the Requirement.

  • Type: Defines which type belongs to the Qualification Requirement to be created. Example: Mandatory, Recommended, etc.

  • Effective Date: Defines which date the qualification requirement will need to be required to be in compliance with the matrix (this field when empty will consider the effective date from the worker’s hiring date).

  • Shortage: Defines how many days will be tolerated to achieve the qualification not be pending on the matrix since the effective date or worker’s hiring date (if the effective date field is empty)

On most tabs in the page “Qualification Requirements“, many contexts are define so Drake can use them to manage the demands of the Training Module, leading which worker will this qualification be applicable to attend.


On the tab “Operational Units“, inform the units that will be defined to the analysis.

Click on the button “Add” and select the units in the window that will be displayed. Click on “Save and Close“ to finish.


The tab “Departments“ sets if the qualification requirement will consider the departments information on its analysis. To set, click on “Add” and select the departments. Click on “Save and Close“ to finish.



The tab “Jobs“ sets if the qualification requirement will consider the jobs information on its analysis. Click on “Add“ to select a job and click on “Save and Close“ to finish.


The tab "Contracts", sets if the qualification requirement will consider the contracts information on its analysis. Click on “Add“ to select a contract and click on “Save and Close“ to finish.


The tab "Country", sets which countries the qualification requirement will consider in the information of its analysis. Click on “Add“ to select a Country and click on “Save and Close“ to finish.


On the tab “Persons“, select the persons (workers) that will be included in this requirement.


On the tab “Activities“ inform the activity type related to this requirement.


To finish filling the information, click on “Save and Close“.


4 - Changing a Qualification Requirement

If necessary to perform changes in a qualification requirement, click above the requirement.


Change the necessary information and click “Save and Close“ to finish.


5 - Deleting a Qualification Requirement

The process of deleting a qualification is simple. Select the requirement and click on “Delete“.


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