Reports - Compliance (Worker Compliance)

1 - Introduction

The Worker Compliance or Compliance Analyzer was developed with the aim to avoid worker’s non conformance errors, whether performing their job or in a job difference. After setting the filters, will be displayed by Drake all the certificates this worker has on system. This way, Drake will have access to the compliance of the worker and will provide support on choosing to the selected job.

2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Worker Compliance" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Access

Go to the Menu:  Reports > Compliance > Compliance Analyzer. The page below will be displayed:


4 - Introduction to the page

4.1 Some filters on the left side panel can be used to execute the query.


4.2 On the top field, the user can search by worker’s name.


4.3 One or more workers can be selected and the quantity will be displayed on the upper field.


4.4 With selected workers, click on “Analyze“.



4.5 The window “Compliance Analyzer Parameters“ will be displayed:

4.5.1Use selected workers data as parameters for analysis” - Enabled







Compliant results only

When enabled, Drake will display only the workers that comply with the compliance requirements.

Use selected workers data as parameters for analysis

When enabled, Drake will analyze the compliance of the selected workers based on their current data on system.


Set the compliance deadline.

Compliance Matrix

Based on the recorded matrices, inform which will be considered on the query ( )

Qualification Need Type

Based on the recorded requirements, inform which will be considered on the query ( )


4.5.2Use selected workers data as parameters for analysis” - Disabled





Use selected workers data as parameters for analysis

When disabled, Drake will provide options to set the parameters accordingly to the selected workers compliance.

Operational Job*

Based on the recorded data, select which job will be considered on the query ( )

Operational Unit*

Based on the selected data, select which Operational Unit will be considered on the query ( )


Based on the selected data, select which Department will be considered on the query ( )


Based on the selected data, select which Activity will be considered on the query ()


Based on the selected data, select which Contract will be considered on the query ( )


Set the compliance deadline.

Compliance Matrix

Based on the recorded matrices, inform which will be considered on the query ( )

Qualification Need Type

Based on the recorded requirements, inform which will be considered on the query ( )

On the fields “Compliance Matrix“ and “Qualification Need Type“, more than one option can be selected.

4.6 After filling the fields, click on “Analyze“ and the results will be displayed on the page.


4.7 To get further details of the worker, click above and the tab will open with the respective information.


If necessary to print reports, click on the printer icon. It can be found on the right upper corner of the page or on the worker’s details.


If the Compliance Analyzer displays more than one page on the result, will be printed only the data from the page that is being displayed.



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