FAQ - Online Training Automatic Schedule

1 - Introduction

To control sending manual online training, may be necessary to create a routine of consulting the workers who are not attending to the training need and send the trainings. It is a very simple activity, but can be more dynamic by turning this routine to automatic. Do you want to know how?

The online training can be sent to the workers automatically through a new training parameter setting and will be necessary to have the permission “Maintain Parameters“.


Please note: If the new parameter is set and automatic submissions are not happening, then the job still hasn't worked. In order not to overload the operation, these submissions will happen only once a day.

2 - Steps

2.1 Go to Parameters > Modules > Training > Options


2.2 Roll the cursor down until finding the parameters below:


These three parameters are on ONLINE TRAINING CONFIGURATIONS and is whrere the automatic schedule will be set.







Schedule internal online training automatically

When enabled, it will analyze the internal online training that needs to be carried out daily and will schedule them automatically.

Check this option

Days in advance to schedule online training automatically

Indicates how many days in advance (before the worker actually needs the training) the system will schedule the internal online training.

Inform the quantity of days (higher than 0)

Standard number of days to complete automatically scheduled internal online training

Indicates how many days the online training will be available for the worker to perform, from the date it was scheduled.

Inform the quantity of days (higher than 0)

Days in advance to schedule online training automatically - If you add too low a value in this field, the training will be sent to the worker and if the worker does not complete the course within the stipulated number of days, the worker will not be compliant until the course is completed.

Example of setting failure:



Schedule internal online training automatically

Checked ✅

Days in advance to schedule online training automatically


Standard number of days to complete automatically scheduled internal online training





In this option, the system will send the trainings within 10 days to expire the qualification and workers will have 20 days to complete the course. During these 10 days, the worker will not be able to check MyDrake for any reason and will not be in compliance. After 10 days with expired training, a new training will be sent to the worker.

Example of safe setting:





Schedule internal online training automatically

Checked ✅

Days in advance to schedule online training automatically


Standard number of days to complete automatically scheduled internal online training


In this option, the system will send the training within 30 days for the qualification to expire and workers will have 20 days to complete the course. If the training is not completed within 20 days, the system will send a new training and workers will have another 20 days to complete, and so on. In this way, workers can have a longer period to carry out the training and will be in compliance until obtaining the new certificate.

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