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1 - Introduction

This setting is simple and will be handful on two cases, whether on the page Tasks > Control Logistic Needs or the logistic schedules created on Tasks > Crew Change > Logistic Schedules. Here the colors that will be used on system to distinguish the “Status” of the requests.


2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Maintain Parameters" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.


. Parameter


Logistic needs status

Changing colors

In this tab we can bind a color to the statusa state, in such way that gets easier to comprehend and identify the needs on logistic needs control page. DRAKE already establishes a color system,however, if it is necessary to change:

3.1 Access path: Configuration > Parameters. Then go to: Modules > Logistic> Colors.

3.2 Click over the selected “State” . A window will open where the state’s name will be and the user must choose the color by clicking over the preferred selected color.

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3.3 Para finalizar clique em “Salvar e Fechar”.

Observação: De acordo com as configurações aqui apresentadas, a visualização dos estados na tela "Controlar necessidades logísticas" será modificada.

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To finish, click on “Save and Close”.

Obs.: According to the presented settings, the states will be displayed on the page “Control Logistic Needs”.

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