Índice | ||
This article is intended to delineate the potential import objects within the worker information.
Painel | ||||||||
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Painel | ||||||||
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Files Samples:
Painel | ||||||||
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Filename: worker.csv
Field | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
admission | No | Date | Hiring date |
nickname | No | String | Nickname | 20 |
status | Yes | Integer | Status Indicator | 1 | 0 = Active** |
date_birth | No | Date | Birthday |
is_manager | Yes | Integer | Worker with management role Indicator | 1 | 0 = No** |
register | No | String | Workers id in company | 20 |
name | Yes | String | Full name | 80 |
pis | No | String | Social security id | 13 |
id_number | No | String | Id card number | 15 |
id_issuer | No | String | Id card issuer | 20 |
id_issuer_state | No | String | Id card state issuer | 50 |
id_issuer_date | No | Date | Id card issuance date |
worker_book_serial_number | No | String | Applicable Only in Brazil | 20 |
worker_book_number | No | String | Applicable Only in Brazil | 20 |
worker_book_issue_date | No | Date | Applicable Only in Brazil |
worker_book_validity | No | Date | Applicable Only in Brazil |
type | Yes | Integer | Worker type | 1 | 0 = Employee - Own employee** |
dismissal_date | No | Date | Termination date |
cost_center_code | No | String | Cost center code | 20 | Reference to a Cost Center’s Code When sending the cost_center_code in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with costcenter. |
nationality_description | No | String | Nationality | 30 | Reference for a Nationality’s Description When sending the nationality_description in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with nationality. |
operational_job_name | No | String | Worker operational job name | 200 | Reference to a Role’s Name When sending the operational_job_name in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with role. |
payroll_job_name | No | String | Worker role name | 200 | Reference to a Role’s Name When sending the payroll_job_name in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with role. |
payroll_job_level_name | No | String | Worker role level name | 40 | Reference to a Role Level’s Name When sending the payroll_job_level_name in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with rolelevel. |
operation_unit_acronym | No | String | Operation unit / Rig / Vessel | 10 | Reference to an Operating Unit’s Acronym When sending the operation_unit_acronym in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with operationunit. |
company_name | No | String | Company name | 80 | Reference to a Company’s Name When sending the company_name in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with company. |
gender | No | Integer | Gender | 1 | 0 = M |
department_name | No | String | Department Name | 200 | Reference to a Department’s Name When sending the department_name in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with department. |
category_type | Mutually Exclusive If informed, the category_id field should not be informed | Integer | Category Type Indicator | 1 | Categories type provided in Drake: |
category_id | Mutually Exclusive If informed, the category_type field should not be informed | String | Category’s id | 200 | If there are categories other than those provided in category_type field, it will be necessary to send the category sheet and in this field the name of the category in the sheet sent must be informed. |
cpf | No | String | Worker tax pay number | 20 | Enter worker CPF without periods or special characters. Provide only numbers. |
salary | No | Decimal | Worker Salary | 19,4 | from 0,00 to 922.337.203.685.477,5807 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: department.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
name | Yes* | String | Department Name | 200 |
description | No* | String | Department Description | 200 |
acronym | No* | String | Department Acronym | 10 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: nationality.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
description | Yes* | String | Nationality Description | 30 |
country_code | No | String | Country Code | 10 | Reference to a Country’s Code |
country_name | No | String | Country Name | 500 | Although this property is not mandatory, if it is not informed, the import routine will associate the nationality with a country called “Others/Others” when informing new nationalities. |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: country.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
acronym | Yes* | String | Country Acronym | 10 |
name | No | String | Country Name | 500 |
iso_code | Yes* | String | Code of country as listed on ISO 3166-2 | 2 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: company.csv
Propriedade | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
name | Yes* | String | Company Name | 80 |
trading_name | No | String | Commercial Name | 25 |
type | Yes | Integer | Company Type | 1 | 1 = Road Transporter, |
client_code | No | String | Client Company Code | 20 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: address.csv
Nota |
Attention: |
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
worker_name | Yes | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
public_area | No | String | St/Av name | 255 |
number | No | String | St/Av number | 25 |
complement | No | String | Additional information/Reference | 50 |
neighborhood | No | String | Neighborhood | 100 |
city | No | String | City | 100 |
state | No | String | State code | 2 |
zip_code | No | String | Zip code | 12 |
country_iso_code | No | String | Code of country as listed on ISO 3166-2 | 2 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2 Reference to a Country’s Iso Code |
type | Yes | Integer |
| 1 | 0 = Residential |
situation | Yes | Integer | Situation Indicator | 1 | 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled ** |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: email.csv
Nota |
Attention: |
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
worker_name | Yes | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
Yes* | String | 255 | An email is initially considered accepted when it has: | ||
main_email | No | Integer | Indicates the main email. There can only be one main email per person. | 1 | 0 = Secondary email |
do_not_use | No | Integer | When enabled DRAKE won't use this email to communicate with worker and myDRAKE registration | 1 | 0 = Can be used ** |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: phone.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
worker_name | Yes | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
number | Yes | String | Telephone Number | 14 |
country_calling_codes | No | String | Country calling codes, country dial-in codes, international subscriber dialing (ISD) codes, or most commonly, telephone country codes | 3 |
ddd | No | String | Area code | 3 |
type | No | Integer | Telephone Number Type | 1 | 0 = Residential |
observation | No | String | Telephone Observation | 50 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Vacation Acquisitive Period
Filename: vacationacquisitiveperiod.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
acquisitive_period_start | Yes | Date | Acquisitive Period Start |
acquisitive_period_end | Yes | Date | Acquisitive Period End |
consessive_period_start | Yes | Date | Consessive Period Start |
consessive_period_end | Yes | Date | Consessive Period End |
worker_name | Yes | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
vacation_days | Yes | Integer | Number of Vacation Days | 2 | from 1 to 30 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: vacation.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
worker_name | Yes | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
start | Yes | Date | Vacation Start |
end | Yes | Date | Vacation End |
acquisitive_period_start | No | Date | Acquisitive Period Start |
| Reference to the beginning of the worker's Acquisition Period. |
status | Yes | String |
| 50 | Planned |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Operational Unit / Rig / Vessel
Filename: operationunit.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
description | Yes* | String | Operational Unit Description | 60 |
acronym | Yes* | String | Operational Unit Acronym | 10 |
costcenter_code | No | String | Cost Center Code | 20 | Reference to a Cost center’s Code When sending the costcenter_code in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with costcenter. |
type | No | Integer | Operational Unit Type | 1 | 0 = Onshore |
Nota |
When a role is sent and there is more than one salary level for it, it will be mandatory to send the role Role Level - Job Level. |
Role - Job
Filename: role.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
code | Yes | String | Role Code | 20 |
name | Yes* | String | Role Name | 200 |
category | No | String | category type of the function | 10 | OnShore |
origin | No | String | Role Classification | 50 | Operation |
salary | Yes | Decimal | Role Level Salary | 19,4 | from 0,00** to 922.337.203.685.477,5807 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Role Level - Job Level
Filename: rolelevel.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
role_name | Yes | String | Role Name | 200 | Reference to a Role’s Name |
name | Yes | String | Role Level Name | 40 |
salary | Yes | Decimal | Role Level Salary | 19,4 | from 0,00** to 922.337.203.685.477,5807 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: absence.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
worker_name | Yes | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
start | Yes | Date | Absence Start |
end | No | Date | Absence End |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: document.csv
Nota |
Attention points: 1 - One of the fields: “worker_name”, “company_name” or “operation_unit_acronym” needs to be filled in, as it indicates the owner of the document 2- The mandatory of some indicated fields may vary according to the type of document. For cases where the field becomes mandatory, the corresponding document type is identified. |
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
document_type_know_id | Yes | String | Known document types in Drake | 200 | OccupationalHealth |
worker_name | Mutually Exclusive (1) | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
company_name | Mutually Exclusive (1) | String | Company Name | 80 | Reference to a Company Name When sending the company_name in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with company. |
operation_unit_acronym | Mutually Exclusive (1) | String | Operational Unit Acronym | 10 | Reference to an Operating’s Unit Acronym When sending the operation_unit_acronym in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with operationunit. |
issuer_name | No | String | Document Issuer Name | 80 | Reference to a Company Name When sending the company_name in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with company. |
qualification_name | Yes | String | Qualification name | 255 | Reference to a Qualification’s Name When sending the qualification_name in this column, it is mandatory to send the this information in the sheet with qualification. |
title | No | String | Title of document | 200 |
number | No | String | Number of document | 100 |
comment | No | String | Comments of document | 4000 |
place | No | String | Place where the document was issued | 50 |
responsible_person | No | String | Responsible for the document | 50 |
fit_for_work | Mandatory for OccupationalHealth document type (2) | Integer | Approved / Rejected Indicator. | 1 | 0 = No |
issue_date | Yes | Date | Issue Date |
valid_until_date | No | Date | Due date |
receipt_date | No | Date | Receipt Date |
period_start_date | No | Date | Training start period |
period_end_date | No | Date | Training end period |
online_training | Mandatory for Certificate document type (2) | Integer | Indicates whether the training was done online | 1 | 0 = No |
first_entry_date | No | Date | Applicable for VISA document type |
create_date | No | Date | Document creation date |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Medical Licence
Filename: medicallicence.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
worker_name | Yes | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
start | Yes | Date | Medical Licence Start |
end | No | Date | Medical Licence End |
end_of_leave | No | Date | Last day before return to work |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Cost center
Filename: costcenter.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
name | No | String | Cost Center Name | 50 |
code | Yes* | String | Cost Center Code | 20 |
active | Yes | Integer | Cost Center Activity indicator | 1 | 0 = No |
client_code | No | String | Client Cost Center Code | 50 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: qualification.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
name | Yes* | String | Qualification Title Name | 255 |
acronym | No | String | Qualification Title Acronym | 10 |
is_expirable | Yes | Integer | Qualification Expirable Indicator | 1 | 0 = No |
validity_in_months | Yes | Integer | Quantity months validity | 4 | 0 to 9999 |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: contract.csv
Propriedade | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
number | Yes* | String | Contract Number | 60 |
title | No | String | Contract Title | 100 |
description | No | String | Contract Description | 4000 |
start | No | Date | Contract Start |
end | No | Date | Contract End |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Contract Member
Filename: contractmember.csv
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
contract_number | Yes | String | Contract Number | 60 | Reference to a Contract’s Number |
worker_name | Yes | String | Worker Name | 80 | Reference to a Worker’s Name |
main_contract | Yes | Integer |
| 1 | 0 = No** |
*Not repetead **Default Value
Filename: category.csv
Nota |
If there are categories other than those provided in category_type field in Worker file, it will be necessary to send the category.csv file and reference these IDs in the category_id field of the worker file |
Property | Mandatory? | Data Type | Description | Size | Accepted Values |
name | Yes | String | Category Name | 100 |
type | Yes | String | Drake Type Category Description | 50 | OnShore |
base_salary_multiplier | Yes | Decimal | Index referring to the salary multiplier according to the category. If it doesn't exist, it can be sent | 6,2 | from 1,00** to 9999,99 |
active | Yes | Integer | Category Activity indicator | 1 | 0 = No |