To grant this permission, read this article: Granting Access Permissions (Previous version)
3. New team registration
3.1 Access the registration screen by the following path: Records>Operation>Manage Team
3.2 Register a new team, clicking on the "+" symbol located in the right corner of the screen.
3.3 The screen below will be displayed, in this next step, it's necessary to fill in the basic information of the team. Check example below:
3.4 Let's see the meaning of some fields below:
Automatic Filling: When this option is checked, the system will fill in all the available team of members automatically
Member source:
To add a new requirement to the team, click the include button again.
The window below will be displayed. Fill in the fields to define the requirement specifications.
Name: Name of the requirement.
* Type: Type of requirement to be met.
(*) Required field.
Requirement Types
After setting the requirement type, insert the requirement.
In the example above, was defined that the type of requirement to be met will be a function. In this case, search for the desired functions and click "Add".
Filled the fields, click "Save" to confirm the inclusion of the requirement.
The above example, for this requirement to be met, a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) members will be required, either from the 'Doctor' function or the 'Nurse' function.
Note: To facilitate the identification of the prioritization order, requirements are identified with increasing numbers.
After insert all necessary requirements and setting their priority, click on "Save".
4. Changing a Registered Team
To change the information of a registered team, just do the double-click on desired team.
After that, change as you need a finish clicking in "Save"
5. Team Exclusion