When the suppliers don’t have iDRAKE Logistics, it is necessary to inform if the service was “served” or “not served”. If the supplier has iDrake Logistics, the request will be sent to DRAKE automatically as soon as the supplier replies.
1 - Access
1.1 After entering the requested need, it must be sent to the supplier and the status will change to “Approved”
1.2 After approved, the request must be sent to the supplier:
1.3 After sending the request, DRAKE will show the requests with status “Sent”, as displayed below:
In the image, two types of suppliers are being used as example, where:
TECNCO TESTE - é uma empresa que não utilizada o iDRAKE Logistics. Portanto, o encaminhamento da solicitação foi para o E-mail do Fornecedor.
IDRAKE LOGÍSTICA DEMO HMG - é uma empresa que utiliza o iDRAKE Logisttcs. Portanto, o encaminhando da solicitação foi para a plataforma DRAKE do fornecedor.
1.4 To the company that doesn’t utilize iDRAKE, it is necessary to inform by selecting the request and click on the button “not served”.
1.5 To the company that utilizes iDRAKE, it is not possible to inform the not attendance. This happens because the request sending will br automatic when the supplier responds to the request.