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1 - Introduction

Funcionalidade de gerenciamento de afastamentos dos trabalhadores. Neste artigo veremos como realizar o cadastro de afastamentos no Drake, assim como, edita-los e/ou exclui-los.

2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Maintain Medical License" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Access

3.1 Go to the menu: Tasks > SMS > Medical License 

3.2 Feito o acesso, a tela "Afastamentos" será exibida, listando todos os afastamentos já cadastrados no Drake.

4 - Adding a new License

4.1 To register a new license click on the “Add“ button.

4.2 Next, a new window will be displayed. Fill the fields according to the medical license to be registered.

* Worker: Name of the worker on medical leave
* Start: Start date of the leave
End: End date of the leave.
End of Leave: Date the leave ends.
CID: The International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Issuer: Responsible for the leave.
Observation: Additional information.
(*) Mandatory Fields

4.3 It is possible to attach a digital image of the leave. For this, drag and drop the image to the window as below or click in it to search for the file.


4.4 After including the data with attachment or not, click on “Save” to finish.

5 - Changing Registered Licenses

5.1 If necessary to change a registered medical license, by incorrect data or adding new information, give the chosen option a double click to open a window for editing.

5.2 After changing the information, click on “Save” to finish.


6 - How to view the attached file 

6.1 To view the attached file, click above the attachment figure.

Attention: When this information is not displaying, means that the license has no attachment.

7 - Deleting Medical Licenses

7.1 To remove a registered license, select the chosen option and then click on “Remove” icon.


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