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Tarefas - Realocar contrato a bordo

1. Introduction

On some occasions, it is necessary to allocate workers to other contracts during the departure period, either to cover the shortage of other workers or to provide a sporadic service. For this, we can inform DRAKE about the employee's lease in relation to the contract, which may imply changes in the payroll. On this screen, we will make a temporary concession information on the data referring to the day on which the worker will begin to provide services under a specific contract. When disembarking a lease is automatically suspended.


2. Access Permissions

To access this feature, the permission  "Realocar contrato a bordo" must be given to responsible users.

For give this permission, read the article: Giving access permissions -Segurança - Configurar acesso


3. Get Starting

3.1 Access: Tasks > Onboard > Change Onboard Contract


3.2 After access, the screen below will be displayed. This screen will display all the reallocations already made in DRAKE.



In the example above, there is no reallocation, as previously there was no reallocation.

3.3 To carry out the relocation procedure, click on "Add".


3.4 A new window will appear. Fill in the fields with the relocation information.


  • Date: Date of relocation

  • Person: Worker who will have his contract reallocated.

  • Contract: New contract.

  • Justification: Free text.

3.5 Once all fields have been completed, click on "Save and close" to finish the procedure.



Once this is done, the reallocation will already be displayed on the "Relocate contract on board" screen (Topic 2.2).


4. Changing a contract reallocation

4.1 If it is necessary to make changes to a reallocation made, click on the desired reallocation.


4.2 Then, change what is necessary and finish by clicking on "Save and close".


5. Deleting a reallocation

5.1 To delete a reallocation is simple, just select (check) the desired reallocation and finally, click on "Delete".
