1- Introduction
Here we will register the work regime period, with 28x28 or 14x14 (Where means 14 days on board and 14 days on rest). This record is important to generate the crew, in which will be necessary to advise what work regime the crew will attend.
Índice |
2 - Permissions
To access this functionality the permission “Manage Work Regime” must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.
To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions
3 - Registering regimes
3.1 To register a regime, go to: Records > Crew Change > Regimes.
3.2 Done that, the screen "Regimes" will be displayed listing all registered regimes.
3.3 To register a new Regime, click on “Add”.
3.4 After clicking on the "Add" symbol, a window will open. Fill the fields: Description (E.g.: 28x28, 14x14, Basis, etc.), Regime Type (Onshore, Offshore), Rest days, Work days.
3.5 To finish, click on “Save” to close.
4 - Editing registered regimes
4.1 If necessary to edit a regime, select by clicking above it.
4.2 Change the necessary information and click on "Save" to finish.
5 - Deleting registered regimes
5.1 To delete a registered regime, select the regime by clicking above it and click on the trash can symbol to “Remove”.
Informações |
Behind DRAKE is a database where the information entered into the system is linked internally, thus creating a complex network. If you try to delete an item that has a link with other pertinent information, the system will block your action. In this case, unlink any and all possible information linked to the regime recorded. |
6 - Next actions
After registering new regimes, we can add the information on other DRAKE screens, such as:
6.1 Records - Persons ( Workers) - More info: /wiki/spaces/STAFF/pages/3408352
6.2 Records - Crew Change (Crews) - More info: Records - Crews