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1 - Introduction

Is the implicit correlation between qualifications, which means that the type of behavior that will define an association between one or more qualifications. These associations are linked to certain groups that are applied to the Operational Units, contracts, jobs, countries or worker types, according to the typification given to the qualification needs inserted in the matrix. To compose the set it is necessary that the Cadastros - Qualificações is filled previously, since it will utilize the existing qualification to delegate connection between them.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality the permission “Maintain relationset” and “Maintain qualification relationset“ must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.

To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions

3 - Access

3.1 Access the page by following the path:  Records > Compliance > Qualification Relationsets

3.2 The page will be displayed listing all the sets already registered on the system.

4. - Registering

4.1 To add a new set, click on the “Add” button.

4.2 Define a name to the set to be registered and click on “Save“.

4.3 After saving, will be possible to add qualifications relation set by clicking on the button “Add”.

5 - Adding a new qualification relationset

As mentioned on the topic above, after saving a qualification relation set, will be possible to add qualifications linked to this group.

5.1 The first step is to access a group of a registered relation listed on the main page.

5.2 After adding a new relation set, all sets applied to this group will be listed on the board “Qualification Relationsets“.

To add a new relation, click on the “Add“ button.

Note: This inclusion can also be performed though adding a new relation set.

5.3 A window will be displayed. Fill in the fields as requested.

*Qualification: Defines the qualification the relation will be set to.

*Type: Defines the type of relation the qualification will have.

*Expiration Type: Defines if the expiration type will be the Origin or Destination. “Origin” refers to the first qualification, while “destination” refers to other qualifications set on “Qualification relationships

Create Certificate?: If enabled, will generate a certificate to the related qualification. 

Types of relation:

  • Contains: The qualification that contains another.

Example: “A” contains “B”, however “B” does not contain “A”.

  • Is composed of: The qualification is composed of other “X” qualification.

Example: The qualification “A” is composed of “B”, “C” and “D”. If a worker has “B”, “C” and “D”, automatically will have “A” as well.

  • Equivalent to: A qualification is equal or equivalent to other.

Example: The qualification”A” equald to “B”. Have one guarantees to have another.


  • Renew: One qualification renews another.

Example: When achieving the qualification “B”, the qualification “A” is automatically refreshed.

5.4 After filled, click on the “+”(add) button in the window to inform the qualification that will be related to the rule applied on the topic above (5.3).

5.5 Inform the qualification and click on “ADD” to confirm. Repeat this step accordingly to the quantity of qualifications that will be related to the relation rule applied.

To remove a qualification, click on “Remove

5.6 After finished, click again on “ADD” to confirm the relation registration.

6 - Changing a qualification relationset

6.1 To Para editar um relacionamento de qualificação já cadastrado, dê um dublo clique no relacionamento que deseja alterar.

Observação: Clicando no opção "Mais detalhes", será possível visualizar todos os detalhes do relacionamento cadastrado, mais precisamente, as qualificações relacionadas com a qualificação do cadastro.

Nesse exemplo, fica possível identificar que, a qualificação "Estabilidade & BCO" contém as qualificações "Operador de controle de lastro (BCO) "Curso de estabilidade". 

6.2 Em seguida, uma nova janela será exibida contendo as informações do relacionamento em questão. Altere o que for necessário e finalize clicando em "Salvar".

7. Exclusão de relacionamentos de qualificação

7.1 O procedimento de exclusão de relacionamento é simples, basta selecionar (marcar) os relacionamentos que deverão ser excluídos e confirmar a exclusão clicando em "Excluir".

8. Realizando alterações em um conjunto de relacionamentos

8.1 Para realizar alterações em um conjunto de relacionamentos, dê um dublo clique no conjunto que deverá ser alterado.

8.2 Em seguida, faça as modificações que desejar, como renomear o conjunto ou até mesmo adicionar, alterar e/ou excluir relacionamentos de qualificação. Feita as alterações, clique em "Salvar" para finalizar.

9. Exclusão de conjuntos de relacionamentos 

9.1 Para excluir um ou mais conjuntos de relacionamentos, basta selecionar (marcar) o(s) conjunto(s) desejada(s) e finalizar em "Remover".

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