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1. Introduction 

In this article will be detail the absenteeism cover request procedure, as well, his related definitions and concepts.

Observation: To do the absenteeism cover request with success it is important noted that this feature must be configurated previously.

To know if it has the flow configuration enabled in your company, make contact with our support team.


2. Access permissions

To have access to this feature, the "Keep request cover reason" and "Keep cover request" permission must be granted to responsible profiles for operating and controlling this feature.   

To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions 

3. Cover Request Screen

Access the request screen by de following path: Tasks > Operation > Request Coverage


3.2 This is the screen where are all requests already made.

3.3 Make a new request clicking on "+" sign, located on right hand corner of your screen.


4. Filling information

4.1 In this next step, it will be necessarily make basic information filling to make request.

Let's check the meaning for each field:


1- Worker: Select the worker that must be covered.

2- OPU: UOP where worker belongs.

3- Origin type: The origin is related to cover request reason, that could be:

- Sick Leave
- Medical License
- Vacations Request
- Others 

4- Acquisitive Period: This field will depend on the option chosen in item 3. The date can come automatically or can be entered manually, it will depend on the flow of your company.

5- Deadline: Expected date of end of coverage.

6- Request Reason: The reason to cover necessity. (This area is optional).

7- Comments: This area is optional.

8- Allows insert manual periods:  If the system do not bring an option that respond to your demand, it will be possible insert manually at cover planning moment.

9- Options: Insert wanted date to cover request.

On example above, the origin kind was selected "Vacations Request" option, as such, the system by an automatically form, already suggest the cover vacations options.

10- Attachments: If be necessary insert some evidence.

NOTE: To realize the register to a coverage reason request, read the article: Register Cover Reason Request.

5. Cover Requesting

5.1 On follow example, we will use the origin kind "Absence".

5.2 Fill all of fields.

5.3 The field "Options" it will be automatically filled, but if necessary, you can enter more than one option by clicking on the "+" symbol, as shown below:


5.4 To finish, click on "Save".


5.5 Confirm if all information is correct and if necessary, add a new evidence on "Attachments".

5.6 To end the request click on "Save".


5.7 After save the request, is necessary send it. It is worth mentioning that the approval flow is completely customizable.


5.8 To answer a request, read this follow article: Coverage Planning.

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