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- Introduction

In this tutorial will be created recurrent embarks for TBAs (To Be Announced), where will be scheduled few embarks to undefined workers.


TBA is a functionality developed to save seats on scheduled flights (Tarefas Tasks - Gerenciar voosManage Flights ) or even flights without schedule to operational units. When the worker to perform the job is undefined, a seat can be booked on the flight by generating a TBA After including the TBA, DRAKE will assign the flight vacancies to the number of workers scheduled on embark or disembark. This assignment can be made by going to the page Tarefas - Planejamento de Tarefas (Planejador de Tarefas) or through Crew Rotation - where will also be displayed the workers that will be part of this planning, as will be seen below.


Supplementary article of:




- Adding recurrent TBA


This is a supplementary article of Crew Rotation : TBA (To Be Announced), so will be assumed that you already know the functionality of a TBA conventional embark registration. If not, go back to the article mentioned above to know further.


2.2 By selecting this option, the system will request to fill in the recurrence parameters:




- Add Appointment (recurrence)

3.1 Fill the fields and click on “Search Schedules”.


3.3 Check if all the information entered is correct. In case it needs correction, click on””. If all set, click on “Save” to finish.



Done! The operation is finished.When clicking on “Save” the system generates the schedules and now the future rotations can be


followed up.