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1 - Introduction

The Crew registration is responsible for structuring the crew change plan to be automated by DRAKE. In this module will be described the crew rotation settings.

The concept of crew in the system will be used when the workers have fixed schedules.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality the permission “Manage Extra Reasons” must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.

To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions

3 - How to Access

3.1 To access the “Crews” screen, follow the path: Records > Crew Change> Crews

3.2 Done that, the screen below will be displayed with listed crews already registered:

4 - Registering a new Crew

4.1 To add a new Crew, click on the button "Add".

 4.2 Done this, the screen below will be displayed:

 4.3 Fill the necessary information according to the crew to be registered.





Crew rotation start date: The first day of embark or rest period.

Starts at rest

If the first rotation starts at the disembark, flag this to indicate to the system that the first date for this crew will begin at a rest period.

Work Regime

Work schedule registered on Records - Regime

Logistic Schedule Type

Set the schedule type as “Date” (Managed by day) or “Flight” (Managed by flight templates registered on the system).

Flight Template

Flight template of a Crew, the selection will be loaded according to the date informed if the option “Flight” is selected on “Logistic Schedule Type”.

Operational Unit

Select the Operational Unit where this crew rotation will operate.


If there is a contract registered on this unit, will be possible to select the contract that the crew is part of.

Information regarding contracts can be found at: Records - Contracts (Record)


Free text - Set a code for your crew with limit of 10 characters.


Free text - Set your crew a name.

4.4 On the tab “Crew shift change schedule”, click on “Add” to schedule a new regime for this crew.

4.5 Next, inform the crew 's future change data. After this, click on “Save and Close”.

4.5 After including the necessary data, click on “Save and Close” to finish or “Save and New” to start a new crew registration.

5 - Changing a Crew

5.1 Caso seja necessário editar uma turma existente, clique sobre o registro da turma desejada.

5.2 Em seguida, a janela contendo os detalhes da turma cadastrada será exibida. Altere o que for necessário e clique em "Salvar e fechar" para finalizar.

6. Inativação de turmas

6.1 Para inativar uma ou mais turmas já cadastradas, basta selecionar as mesmas e finalizar clicando em "Excluir" - desde que não hajam trabalhadores inclusos dentro da turma, a ação de inativação será possível.

Atenção: Quando há trabalhadores inclusos na turma, não será possível inativa-la nesse momento. Para isso, precisaremos entrar na tela de "Gerenciamento de Turmas", em TAREFAS > TROCA DE TURMAS > GERENCIAR TURMAS. Feito o acesso, busque pela turma referente, e remova os participantes dela manualmente. Após a exclusão de todos os trabalhadores da turma, volte a tela de cadastro de turmas e a função de inativação estará disponível - lembre-se de recarregar a página para isso.




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