1. Introduction
Entitlements are used in paths and in the manual creation of logistic needs. For DRAKE to know whether or not a person can use a certain type of transport or accommodation, we need to define the logistic rights for the operational unit, jobs or person. These rights are normally used to define the logistics of people or strategic positions that, due to the function performed, require certain exclusivities to provide greater safety and comfort. To create the list of logistic rights, 12 records must be filled in beforehand in RECORDS > LOGISTICS > TYPES, to know all records see the documentation: LOGISTICS
Índice |
2. Permissions
In order to have access to this functionality, the "Manage logistic rights" permission must be granted to the profiles responsible for operating and controlling the functionality.
To grant such permission, read the article:Segurança - Configurar acesso
3. Hierarchical definition of logistic rights
First level of definition is for Operational Units, if we determine a logistic rights for an operational unit, all employees who embark on this UOP will have the same logistic rights, regardless of person or function.
The second level of definition is for Jobs, normally it is the policy of attribution of logistic rights, all employees of a certain function have the same rights, with this it is not necessary to give individual rights to people.
The third level of definition is for Person, it can happen randomly that a person has the different logistic rights of the function.
We can allow or deny a logistical right, taking into account that the right at the more specific level will prevail over the less specific right, unless the less specific one amounts to a denial. At any level that there is a denial, even if at other levels the person has permission, he will not be entitled.
4. Logistic rights records
4.1 To access the Logistic rights records and maintenance interface, click on Menu Record > Logistics > Manage Logistic Rights.
The interface below will be displayed, with the complete list of logistical rights registered in DRAKE. To add a new Logistic Right, click the Add button.
4.2 Logistic rights records window will be displayed. Fill in the fields according to the logisticl right you want to register.
Type of logistic Law | Inform which class will belong to the logistical right |
Grant right | Based on the type of right inform jobs, worker or operational unit, this right will be linked. Information from: Cadastros - Funções , Cadastros - Trabalhadores ou Cadastros - Unidades Operacionais (UOP) |
Logistics Type | Based on the types available, inform which ones will be made available. |
Logistics Subtype | After selecting the Type, select the registered subtype. This subtype is registered on the screens listed below: |
Permission | Inform if you want to allow or deny this right to the desired jobs |
Grant to: Operating Unit Name, Jobs Name or Company Name
Type: Type of logistic rights.
Subtype: Type Description
Permission: Deny or allow
Onde os direitos logísticos são aplicados em trajetosWhere are logistic rights applied on paths?
5.1 Na aba Direitos Logísticos/ Logistics rights são exibidos os direitos cadastrados para o funcionário especificadoOn the Logistics rights tab, the rights records for the specified employee are displayed.
Como visualizamos acima, os direitos cadastrados são no nível de FunçãoAs seen above, the registered rights are at the Jobs level.
5.2 Na aba Ida são exibidos os trechos disponíveis ao qual o funcionário tem direito.
Após clicar em Liberar Trechos Restritos , o Drake vai carregar todos os trechos, até mesmo os que o colaborador não tem direito, a seguir selecione o trecho desejável.
5.3 Como conceder a permissão necessária para Liberar Trechos Restritos?
On the Going tab, the available stretch to which the employee is entitled are displayed.
After clicking Unlock Restricted stretch, Drake will load all the stretch, even the ones that the employee is not entitled to then select the desired stretch.
5.3 How to grant the necessary permission to Unlock Restricted stretch?
Informações |
To access this functionality, the permission "Unlock Restricted stretch" must be granted to the profile responsible for performing and controlling the procedure. To learn more about permissions, read the article: Segurança - Configurar acesso |
6. Onde os direitos logísticos são aplicados em necessidades logísticas ?
6.1 Funciona do mesmo modo que nos trajetos. Na aba Direitos Logísticos/ Logistics rights são exibidos os direitos cadastrados para o funcionário especificado.
7. Parametrizações
Existem dois importantes parâmetros referentes a Diretos Logísticos.
7.1 Caminho de acesso: Menu Configuração > Parâmetros
7.2 Em seguida, clique nas abas: Módulos > Logística > Opções, conforme imagem a seguir:
7.3 Ignorar validação de direitos logísticos na clonagem de trajetos
7.4 Libera trechos tipos com ordem menos que o direito do trabalhador
Exemplo de aplicação:
O colaborador que contiver direito ao transporte aéreo de ordem 5 – Primeira Classe, consequentemente terá direito a utilizadas todas as demais ordens inferiores, assim como a de ordem 1 – Economy.