Qualification Evidence Validation for Third Party Service

1. Introduction

This documentations aim to detail the qualification evidence validation for third party service procedure.

Since the moment that provider answer the service request, filling all requirements requested, automatically is created an inbox to each requested evidence.

2. Access Permissions

 The validation flow will depend that how was configurated your company flow.

If you have any doubt in this feature, make contact with our support team:

suporte@sapiensia.com ou +55 021 2391-1201

3. Access

3.1 Access the inbox through this follow way path: Tasks > Inbox

 3.2 Have done the access, the screen below will be displayed:

3.3 There are many ways to filter these evidences. One of them is adding the service request name (or the number) on filed "New query", as image below:

Another way is by selecting the search filter, the option "Qualification Evidence Validation for Third Party Service".

After selected, will be displayed at inbox, only outsourced services qualification evidences.

3.4 As image below, it is possible see that exists six evidences to request Nº 68 that must be validated.

3.5 To get started on validation procedure, select the "Maximize" option, located on the right hand of screen.

4. Invalid documentation example:

4.1 To check if evidence agree with requested document, just click twice on it, as image below:

4.2 After click, the window below will be displayed, having the picture and document information.

4.3 We can realize that requested evidence is the "Confined space - 16 hours". However, the attached evidence "CPF" doesn't match with previous request.

4.4 Otherwise, the evidence would be refused. For that, you just need select "trasition", as highlighted on image below, and select "refuse".

4.5 The window "Fill the fields" will be displayed, having the "Reason" field and "Observation" field.

  • On the field "reason", you may select the best justifying to refuse evidence.
  • The "observation" field is optional.

4.6 After select the better option, click on "Save" to confirm.

4.7 For now is just wait the provider correction. Meanwhile, the evidence status, stay as: "waiting correction", as image below:

5. Valid document example

5.1 If the evidence be in accordance with requested document, just click on "transition" and "accept", as image below:

5.2 For now the evidence status will be displayed as "valid".

5.3 Do de same assessment validation procedure for all listed evidences.

5.4  Once that every evidence be approved, the next step is make the request attending. 

Caso surja alguma dúvida, entre em contato com nosso suporte através do E-mail: suporte@sapiensia.com / ou Telefone em: +55 (21) 2391-4726