Cost reducing, ensuring attendance and service quality.


  • Logistical needs optimization. Know who can share the resources and reduce requests.

  • Automatic awareness of workers logistic needs. Setup the demands quickly.

  • Workflow control of logistical needs. Allocate responsibilities and gain in scale.

  • Logistical needs requisition integrated with suppliers. Order and receive responses without sending e-mails.

  • Logistic benefits definition by employee profile. Ensure that the benefits standards be correctly applied.

  • Automatic detection of logistical needs that must be cancelled. Never forget to cancel the logistic request.





As most of all management evolution, logistic is a legacy of the war times we lived. This concept of battlefields was rescued and applied in the corporate environment. Logistics is the term used in planning process, execution and moving control. On DRAKE this concept is applied on workers.

DRAKE will connect and recorded on system creating complete . To include details, accommodation and manage the created path, the logistics responsible must control the order through . The orders are generated automatically while creating embarks, trainings, Health Assessments or general appointments created on many pages of the system. Thus, all that needs logistical support is redirected to logistics tasks, where the responsible team can act and interact with the system.


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