Records - Paths

1 - Introduction

A path is every journey outgoing or arriving of a worker during logistics demand. The path’s travel is consisted by “routes” (Records - Routes) previously recorded, will link an “Address” (Records - Adresses) to another, which also needs to be registered previously. The path is automatically generated by DRAKE and it is not possible to create manually, but can be modified to include hotels, type of transportation, change routes and other necessary changes.


A worker’s embark: The logistical process for this embark consists on the worker leaving his house to get to the operational unit. DRAKE needs the origin address (residence) and the destination address (usually the airport that will lead to the unit by flight). For this he needs to go to the nearest bus terminal, take the bus that will lead him to the airport, where an airplane will lead to the destination city, be on a car to go to the hotel and on the next day (or few days later) will be on a van to the airport. All these travels are called routes. and the opposite can be done while disembarking the worker, but there is no need to send the worker to hotel in a way back, unless the company feels necessary to do so.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality the permission “Maintain Paths” must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.

This allows to use the button "Unlock restricted stretch" which ignores the hierarchy of logistic rights and allows the worker to use any route found on the system.
To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions

3 - Access

3.1 To access the paths page, go to: Records > Logistics > Paths.

3.2 The page “Paths” will be displayed listing all registered paths.

To identify if the registers are outgoing or arriving, it is important to know that the outgoing path is usually on worker’s residence and as destination has the operational unit or airport address. The opposite is applied for arriving paths.

Obs.:  On Paths records, always that “Operational Unit” is not informed, it must be due to a training or other operation .

4 - Path creation

4.1 Some points must be considered to maintain the path. See below:

  • Duration: Utilized when the time travel is different than registered.

  • Reverse: When it is necessary to create the same path, with origin and destination in reverse order to set the way back.

  • Recalculate duration: If informed, this path duration will be updated when the path duration be changed.

  • Change time by other services: Leave this box empty when the need time is fixed, ensuring the transport won’t be changed.

  • Generate Logistic: If this path generates logistic.

  • Observation: Utilized to include information regarding the path. Example: Flight preferences.

5 - Similar Routes

5.1 If there are workers with origins or destinations next to where is displayed through the measured distance and have the same logistic rights, Drake will load all the workers that will be able to use the same path. In this part is important that the georeferenced register is correct.


5.2 To avoid the need of informing again the paths when the return travel be exactly the reverse of the outgoing, once added the going routes, they can be reversed by clicking on the button “Reverse“ as displayed below.

5.3 If the company workers don’t use hotel on the way back, there is a parameter to reverse the path without this event. For this, go to “Parameters

 Configuration > Parameters.

5.4 Check the option “Ignore hotel on reversible paths”, as below:

5.5 Parameters for paths registration

As seen before, Drake will create the path when necessary. There is another important parameter: “Clone Similar Routes”, which will make the system clones an already existing path when identifying origins and destinations nearby and similar logistics ass well. It is also necessary to inform the system what is considered near on the parameter “Maximum distance for similar routes (Not informed routes creation)“ measuring per kilometers, as the image below.:


The cloned path receives the status of “Not informed”, however already filled with routes informatio, being only necessary to check the information and change the status to “Complete”.

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