Tasks - Optimize

1 - Optimizer Operation

The optimization of the logistic needs is one of the most important processes to a worker that operates with logistic needs requests, due to the optimization allows the company to save a great amount of expenses with transportation and hotel.

The optimization resource on DRAKE allows to identify the needs for transportation and hotel that will happen in the same period and that can be grouped.

As an example, let’s consider that the company needs to take two or more workers from a city to the same airport in the same other city. The Optimizer on DRAKE, using georreferencing and proximity resource, will evaluate all the routed considering their respective origins, destination and period, suggesting the optimization on hiring transportation services, associating and grouping travel requests of the crew providing savings on company resources.


2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Optimize Logistic Needs" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality. The permission “Change permission of Logistic Need Optimization“ allows to use the button “Optimize“ on Logistic Needs, which restricts or allows the logistic optimization (association).

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Optimizing Logistic Needs 

3.1 To optimize a logistic need, go to the menu: Tasks > Logistics > Optimize

3.2 The page below will be displayed, where must be informed some data, so the optimizer can find the needs to be optimized and/or associated.

States: In this item must be informed here which logistic needs status the user wants to associate (Confirmed, Informed, Not Served)

Sources: Must be informed the logistic needs from which origin the user wants to associate (Logistic Request, Training, Embark, Disembark)

Types: Must be informed the needs types to be associated.

Parent Type: Must be informed in which type the need previously selected the user wants to associate.

Start: Start date.

End: End date

Maximum distance between sources: This value must be informed in “Km” and defines the maximum distance between the needs origins.

Maximum distance between destinations: This value must be informed in “Km” and defines the maximum distance between the needs destinations.

Maximum time between starts (minutes): This value defines the maximum time between the needs origins.

Maximum participants: Defines the total quantity of workers the user wants to associate on “Parent Type” already defined.


3.3 Other option to access the optimization is on the page “Control Logistic needs” (Tasks > Logistics > Control Logistic Needs)

On the page “Control Logistic needs”, click on "Optimize".

After clicking on “Optimize”, the Optimization page will open as in topic 3.2.

3.4 Insert all the information and click on the button “Optimize”. Next, a page will be displayed with the available associations by Drake, where can be chosen which the user wants to associate.

To confirm the association, select the options and click on “Confirm”.

4 - Control optimized logistic needs

4.1 After done the optimization, the user will be redirected to the page “Control Logistic Needs” where can be be issued the logistic request to the supplier.

The needs that have been optimized and grouped automatically or manually can be found on the page “Control Logistic Needs”, by the number of participants, always displaying a value equal or greater than 02 (two).

4.2 Clicking above the need, a window will be displayed as below. The fist tab displays information regarding the logistics.


4.3 By clicking on the “Associated” tab, all the associated needs will be listed here.


5 - Service attendance of optimized needs

5.1 Go to the menu Tasks> Logistics > Inform Service 

5.2 This can also be done on: “Control Logistic Needs” by clicking on “Attend”

5.3 The page below will be displayed:

Fill in the required information and then click on Save, The need status will be changed to “Served”.


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