Parameters - Conflicts

1 - Introduction

In this functionality, will be created validators to be used on the page , where these validators will be used to make the intersection between the workers' movements. If this field is not filled, the predefined validators for training and schedule will be used.

Differently from the validators on Parameters > Schedule > Validadores and Parameters > Modules > Training > Validators, the conflict validators will work based on the current date. The “Lock” and “Alert” deadlines will work as calendar days from the current date. This way, a future schedule may not display on the “Manage Conflict” page if it is not in the alert deadline from the current date.

2 - Access

2.1 Go to the menu: Configuration > Parameters.

2.2 Click on the tabs: Modules > Conflicts

This is the place the user will maintain the validators. It is possible to delete or add new, as such as change the default parameters from the system.

If those fields are not filled, will be considered the default validators from training and schedule.

3 - Page Details





Days of conflict to analyze

How many future days will be considered to analyze the worker’s conflicts.

Level to send

Which type of conflict must be sent to be solved. The options are Lock, Alert or All.

No send conflict's email of inactivated workers

Check this option so DRAKE will not include inactive workers on conflict management.

Logistic Schedule conflicts validator

Here are included the schedule validators that will be analyzed to compose the conflict management. If not filled, will be used the default validators as on

Training conflict validator

Here are included the training validators that will be analyzed to compose the conflict management. If not filled, will be used the default validators as on

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