Parameters - Schedule


This page is a guide for completing and configuring parameters related to the Crew Change module.

1 - Access

1.1 Go to the menu: Configuration > Parameters.

1.2 The page Parameters will be displayed.

The parameters that impact directly on Crew Change will be displayed below.


2. Medical validity

On this tab is defined the default validity for Organizational Health Assessments. The companies may use validity with less than a year in order to avoid irregularities.

When an Health Assessment be, for instance,will expire in 25 days, DRAKE will generate an alert or a block warning that the workers Health Assessment is about to expire.


3 - Schedule

On the tab Schedule, the user will define conditions for all schedules. This tab has two more tabs, Main and Validators.

3.1 Aba Principal:




Block changing occurrence in schedule

According to the calculation rule, DRAKE automatically sets an occurrence to embark or disembark the employee. E.g.: Rodrigo embarked before enjoying his 14-day off period; DRAKE will generate an extra time for each day off not taken on his time sheet. This occurrence may or may not be changed manually. It is recommended to keep it blocked, since DRAKE will calculate the occurrences correctly .

Create logistical schedules independent of end of contract

Allows to generate logistic schedules even after contracts expiring dates.

Request Type:  Change or Schedule. 

This is the standard type of request that DRAKE inserts when automatically generates crew change logistic schedules. However, this can be changed when the Crew Change responsible enters the Logistic Schedule on DRAKE

Transport Type: Airplane, Helicopter or Maritime

Is the default type of transports for crew change DRAKE automatically inserts when generating crew change schedules. This can be also changed when the crew change responsible performs changes on DRAKE schedules.

Blocking Color

This color will be displayed on crew change's logistic schedule if there is any obstacle for the worker embark or disembark.

Warning color

This color will be displayed on crew change's logistic schedule if there is an alert for the worker embark or disembark.

Substitution Color

 This color will be displayed within the crew change's logistic schedule if the worker  has been replaced.

To be announced color

 This color will be displayed within the crew change's logistic schedule if the worker  is undefined and set as TBA (To be Announced)

Crew Change Schedule Type

 It defines what is the default schedule type for crew change. The default crew change is recommended.

Standard Schedule Type

 Set the general default schedule type for all schedules. The default crew change is recommended

Use Base default when not informed

When checked, this parameter defines that if the day-off Operational Unit  is not defined, it will set as default the rest OU.


 Sets the default rest OU.

Allow embark on base OUs for work and overtime occurences.

 If there is a postponement, participants will earn an embark or extra time event depending on their work schedules, but they will remain on land. This parameter defines whether it is possible to embark employees with these occurrences while on land. It is recommended this option to be checked so that there are no problems embarking postponement participants.

Copy TR's on postponed flight

 In cases of postponement, this parameter will define if the Transport Request (TR) will be copied to the postponed schedule.

Includes employee on vacation on automatic schedules.

 Defines whether DRAKE will include vacation workers in schedules that are automatically generated. The shift operator will see a lock if the employee is actually on vacation.

Includes sick employee on automatic schedules.

 Defines whether DRAKE will include workers in schedules that are automatically generated.

Remove empty logistic schedules by scale changes

 If there are changes in class scale, DRAKE will reallocate class participants to new schedules on new dates, leaving the old schedules empty. This parameter will define if DRAKE will be able to erase them or not. We recommend that you leave this option checked.

Justify absence during finalization

 If this parameter is checked, DRAKE will ask for an excuse for absence whenever an employee does not embark on his/her class change date.

Filling absence justification

Defines if any information will be automatically filled to the absence reason.

Default reason absence justification

 Defines if any information will be automatically filled in for the absence reason and what will be filled out.

Type of Logistics Schedule that can create.

If the Logistic Schedule will be Date, Flight or Date and Flight.

Require contract

 If marked, contract will be required to do some programming

It requires specific permission to include participant with block in programming

 If checked, a permission to include participant with blocking will be required. The permission will be "include participant with block in schedule"

It requires specific permission to include participant with alert in programming

 If checked, a permission will be required to include participant with alert. The permission will be  "Include participant with alert in schedule"

Use rest operational unit address for logistic schedules

If checked, the rest operational unit recorded on Units will be used to generate schedule disembark address.

Keeping checked off the demand of alert or block permission, the system will allow any user with this permission to work on logistic schedule by allocating workers. There is also the permission to “Finish blocked schedule”, that allows only specific users to finish a logistic schedule.


The selected color will be displayed as below:

3.2 Tab Validators: 

The Validators are parameters that can validate or not the worker embark/disembark.

To know more about validators, read the article: FAQ - Validadores

4 - Automation

Are parameters that define some calculations on DRAKE>São parâmetros que definem como irão funcionar alguns modos de cálculo no DRAKE.

# Days to schedule: Will set DRAKE to generate logistic schedules for “X” days from now;
Create Flights for the next N Days: Will set DRAKE to generate flights for “X” days from now;

5 - Extra time Reason

Parameters related to Extra Time Reason management. On parameter page, go to Moduled > Extra Time Reason.



Demand extra time reason

If checked, DRAKE will request a justification when finishing the logistic schedule to each worker that exceeds the shift.

Filling extra justification

Defines if the Extra Time Reason will be automatic and what will be filled.

Notify extra for expats

Defines if expatriates extra time will be also sent by e-mail with locals extra time notification

Period for notification of extra time

Defines a period to sent extra time notification.

6 - Supplementary information about Operational Units

The Operational Units record has some supplementary information on crew change module.

6.1 Go to the Menu Records > Crew Change > Units

6.2 Select an Operational Unit or create one by clicking on Add.

6.3 The window Manage Operational Unit will be displayed. On the Main tab, the user will have the information as below, in which the definitions can be done.




The Operational Unit acronym that will be displayed on many options from DRAKE.


Operational Unit's name


Defines if the unit  is onshore, offshore or extra


Color for report identification


Place where the disembark occurs. It is recommended to use the nearest headquarter or the city where the crew change happens.


Airport acronym where crew change occurs

Cost center

Defines if the operational unit has a default cost center, in case it utilizes more than one cost center, it is recommended to leave this option empty.


6.4 On Logistic tab, the user will define: Embark Address, Standard embark time, Standard disembark time, travel time of disembark, Training responsible and Training logistic contact

6.5 On the tab TR Details, will be informed to DRAKE which information will be sent as observation on TR issue .

6.6 To Issue a TR, go to the page Logistic Schedules, through the path: Tasks >  Crew Change > Logistic Schedules.

6.7 Click on the schedule to issue the TR. Then, click on Print TR as below:


6.8 A new tab on the browser will open and the TR will display as below:


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