Tasks - Postponement Cancellation

Tasks - Postponement Cancellation

1- Introduction

This procedure is recommended to be done after a schedule postpone, if necessary to cancel.

Instructions of how to make this cancellation will be presented below.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality the permission “Postpone Cancellation” must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.

To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions

3 - How to cancel a schedule postpone

3.1 The first step is to access the path: Tasks > Crew Change > Postponement Cancellation.


3.2 Done this, the page "Cancel Postponement"  will be displayed:


3.3 The next step is to search for the postponed worker or the original schedule code.

To each character inserted, the system will suggest results for this query. Next, choose the worker.

3.4 After choosing the worker by clicking the name, the screen below will be displayed, with details of the postponed schedule.

3.5 In most cases, may exist more than one participant on a schedule, hence can be more than one worker on the postponement. In these cases, is possible to cancel the schedule postponement of more than one selected worker in a schedule.

To cancel the postponement of more than one worker, click on the button “Other postponement participants” as below.

3.6 Next, choose the participants to be cancelled. Finish by clicking on “Save”.

3.7 After selecting or not the postponement participants, click on “Cancel Postponement” so the cancellation will be effectively done.

3.8 Done this, a dialog box will open with the message: “Do you really want to cancel logistic schedule postponement ?”. Next, click on “Yes” to confirm the cancellation.


Warning: If the schedule be finished, will not be possible to cancel the postponement. By clicking on “Yes” to confirm cancellation, a message will be displayed detailing which schedule is generating this conflict (Original or Delayed to).

To solve this conflict, go to logistic schedule by the following path: Tasks > Crew Change > Logistic Schedules.

Next, use the schedule code to find it. For this, type the code in the filters bar. Done this, click on the schedule to open it.

The screen with schedule details will be displayed. Click on “Reopen”.

After reopening the schedule, try again to cancel the schedule postponement. If a new conflict displays, repeat the steps reopening the “Original” schedule.


3.9 If there is not other conflict, when confirming the cancellation, a message in the bottom of the page will be displayed informing that the cancellation was done successfully.


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