Tasks - Inform Service
1 - Introduction
The logistic service is performed manually, except when the supplier utilizes iDRAKE Logistics.
After the supplier sends the service of logistic needs information, it is important to include these information on system. In this page will be displayed exactly how to fill the information on system.
2 - Permissions
To access this functionality the permission “Attend Logistic Needs” must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.
To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions
3 - Access
3.1 Go to the menu: Tasks > Logistics > Inform Service.
This can be also performed on the interface Tasks - Control Logistic Needs (General), by clicking on “Attend”.
3.2 When clicked, the page “Inform Service“ will be displayed:
Fill in the requested information to proceed with the attendance:
Need: Inform which logistic need will be associated to this event.
Provider: The system will automatically fill this field. If it does not occur, include here the company responsible for this event.
Reissue: If there is a need with status “Refundable”, this can be compensated here.
External Code: If the request has an external code from the supplier, fill in here.
Fare: Include here the service amount.
Fees: If there are additional fees, include here.
Commissions: If there are commission values, include here.
Discounts: If there are any discounts, include here.
Start: After informing the need, the system will fill this field automatically. If it does not occur, fill in here the start date and time of the need.
End: After informing the need, the system will fill this field automatically. If it does not occur, fill in here the end date and time of the need.
Source: After informing the need, the system will fill this field automatically. If it does not occur, fill in here the source of the need. If it is a hotel, inform its name.
Destination: After informing the need, the system will fill this field automatically. If it does not occur, fill in here the destination of the need. If it is a hotel, inform its name.
Booking: If there is a booking regarding the need, fill in here.
Tracking Link: If there is an external link regarding the need, fill in here.
Details: This is a free text field, any information that the user considers pertinent to be filled here can be included.
3.2 After filling, click in the option “Save” on the page’s bottom and will be redirected to inform other attendance. If prefer, other pages can be visited now.
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