Tasks - Reissuable Logistic Services

Tasks - Reissuable Logistic Services

1 - Introduction

The page “Reissuable Logistic Services” is a functionality of the system that allows the user to identify which logistical services can be reissued when the status “Reissue“ on Tasks - Control Logistic Needs (General) . This page is exclusive for view not being possible interact with the system.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality the permission “View reissuable services” must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.
To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions

3 - How to check which services are allowed to be reissued.

3.1 To view the reissuable services, go to: Tasks > Logistics >Reissuable Logistic Services. 

3.2 If there is any logistic need with status “Reissuable“, this can be viewed on the column .

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