Parameters - Logistic (options)
1 - Introduction
This page has options that will impact how data interacts in the system with everything related to logistics. Here you can set defaults according to company settings.
2 - Permissions
To access this functionality the permission “Maintain Parameters” must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.
To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions
3 - Steps
3.1 Go to the page: Parameters and the tabs Modules > Logistic > Options
3.2 This page has options that will impact how data interacts in the system with everything related to logistics and is basically structured by a brief description of the action options, so the image of the parameters will not be added here, as it would be redundant. Below is the table with all the options available to define, classified as they are on DRAKE page.
Calculate logistic needs | Is the parameter that can turn on and off the logistic functionality. When enabling, routes will be created automatically according to recorded paths. |
Number of days to create logistic needs | Accepts to create logistic needs until the informed quantity of days in advance. Example: 90 (it is possible to create logistic needs until 90 days ahead of the current date). |
Standard hotel arrive time | Usual check-in time to hotels the company usually books. Example: 01:00 PM |
Checkin period | Average time of check-in. Example: 60 (60 minutes of average duration to perform the check-in). |
Standard hotel leave time | Usual check-out time to hotels the company usually books. Example: 03:00 PM |
Ignore hotel on reversible paths | When reversing a route, the path to the hotel is ignored since will not be necessary to book it for the worker when returning home. |
Book Hotel on postponed embark | When postponing an embark, is booked one more day automatically for the previously selected hotel. |
Book Transportation Embark-Hotel-Embark on postponed embark | When postponing an embark, is generated a request of transport to the selected hotel and to embark the next day. |
Minimum Distance from home to earn logistcs on postponed embark | The minimum distance (km) to pay the worker in advance. Example: 50 (50 kilometers) |
Approves Logistic Requests using Limit | Automatically approves the requests according to "supplier monthly limit" on logistic needs. |
Sender Email | When issuing a logistic request, it will be sent from an e-mail. Here will be informed the address chosen to send the notification. |
Individual transportation type for trainees | Type of individual transportation for training. Example: Car. |
Group transportation type for trainees | Type of groupo transportation for training. Example: Van. |
How many trainees in each car/bus | Inform the maximum quantity of seats for group transport mentioned above. |
Use individual transportation for trainees without hotels but entitled to hotel | The user with "logistic rights" will use individual transport to go back home. |
Clone Similar Routes | On routes with the same origin and destination, DRAKE will clone the path so the information does not need to be reinserted. |
Ignora validação de direitos logísticos na clonagem de trajetos | Does not consider worker's "logistic rights" while cloning a route. |
Maximum distance for similar routes (Not informed routes creation) | On the tab "Similar routes" on registered routes on the system, is a default maximum distance of 1000 km, here this maximum value can be defined by the user. |
Maximum distance for cost calculations | Inform the system the maximum distance to calculate paths costs from leaving to arrival. |
Require cost center in logistic need | When creating a need is necessary to inform the cost center of it. |
Requires provider on service | Demands to inform the entity that provided the logistics. To record an entity, go to: Records > Persons > Entities. |
Accepts confirm service on cancellation requested | When logistic need is with status "Cancelled", this parameter will allow the company to confirm the attendance. |
Check approval limit of logistic requests | Considers the "Monthly supplier limit" while creating logistic needs. |
Require account on logistic need | Turns mandatory to inform the costs account while creating logistic needs. |
Unlock strechs of inferior order number | Blocks some options of minor logistic rights as smokers room or type of meal on airplanes. |
Allow association of different dates | By default, it is only possible to associate the needs if it is for the same day, when checking this option, will be possible to associate on different dates. |
Remove necessidades associadas alteradas de suas associadoras | On associated needs, if the user changes one of the needs, it will unblock the association and will become an isolated need. |
Send mail to supplier | This option must be checked if the user wants to send the logistic request by e-mail to the registered supplier. |
Put user on mail CC | This option must be checked if the user wants to copy the requester on the e-mail sent to the supplier. |
Send copy to logistic need creator | This option must be checked if the user wants to copy the logistic need creator on the e-mail sent to the supplier. |
Send logistics mail as current user | This option must be checked if the user wants to send the logistic need e-mail from the requester address domain |
Request logisitc need mail subject | Default e-mail subject for logistic request. Example: Logistic Request - My Company "X" . |
Request logistic need mail content | Field to fill the default message to be sent to the e-mail above |
Logist need changed mail subject | Field to fill the default subject for changes on logistic need e-mail |
Logistic need changed mail content | Field to fill the default content for changes on logistic need e-mail |
Cancel logistic need mail subject | Field to fill the default subject to cancel the logistic need e-mail |
Cancel logistic need mail content | Field to fill the default content to cancel the logistic need e-mail |
Print Logistic request approval automatically | Check this option if printing is needed |
Print payment record automatically | Check this option if printing is needed |
Allow to associate flight travel logistic needs | Self explained |
Synchronize addresses and times of associated needs automatically | Self explained |
GL Account fill strategy | Inform the GL Account filling strategy in this field. |
Change logistic need state to changed when updating the observation field | When including observations, the logistic need status turns automatically to "changed" |
Block edit from Advance field | Blocks editing the field "Advance" located on the need record. |
Automatically complete new routes with standard advance stretch | Self Explained |
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