Logistic Schedules - Basic

1 - Introduction

On a logistic schedule is possible to embark, disembark, replace workers and include requests and observations. The system generates schedules based on the current date, even if the start date of the crew is on the past. If necessary to create past schedules, it needs to be added manually.

2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Logistic Schedule" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Access

3.1 Go to: Tasks > Crew Change > Logistic Schedules.

3.2 The Logistic Schedules page will be displayed, containing all existing schedules. On this page is possible to add a new schedule, also change and delete existing schedules, since it is selected.


4 - Add a new schedule

4.1 To add a new schedule, click on the “Add” button.


4.2 Done this, the Logistic Schedule page will open. On Main tab, the requested information must be filled .

It is possible to include two types of logistic schedule: Date or Flight.

See below the Date type:



For this case is selected type Date


Schedule date

Operational Unit

Operational Unit this schedule belongs to


The system fills automatically the rest OU if registered

Embark Address

Place the transport to the unit leaves

Disembark Address

Where the transport from the unit arrives


Contract in which  the schedule will be executed

Request Type

Request type of the schedule

Transport Type

Transport type of the schedule


Order linked to the schedule

Below, a schedule with type Flight:


For this case is selected type Date


Flight date (already set as seen on )

Operational Unit

Operational Unit this schedule belongs to


The system fills automatically the rest OU if registered

Embark Address

Place the transport to the unit leaves

Disembark Address

Where the transport from the unit arrives


Contract in which  the schedule will be executed

Request Type

Request type of the schedule

Transport Type

Transport type of the schedule


Order linked to the schedule

Obs.: When selecting the flight, will be displayed only those already predefined on “Manage Flights” page. Extra information will be automatically filled according to the flight selected, not being possible to change them, except for “Contract”.

5 - Add workers on a Logistic Schedule

5.1 The tab Embark, is the place where the workers that will perform the embark on this schedule are included.

In this page, the user can add workers or delete an incorrect input. To add a new worker, click on the button “Add” as below:

5.2 The window to select the workers will open. It is also possible to filter the necessary information to help finding the workers.

In this list, is possible to view some information regarding the worker, such as: Locks and alerts, as the reason for these highlights.

5.3 On "Setup" it is possible to set some preferences. See below the meaning of each field.


  • Job: Defines the job the worker will perform on board.

  • Occurrence: Defines, when possible, an occurrence.

  • Cost Center: Defines the selected Cost Center for the embark.

  • Passenger Type: Informs the type of schedule (ex.: default, R7, etc.) for each worker.

  • Transportation Request: Defines the request type that will be utilized.

  • Origin Address: Changes the address for worker’s logistic.

  • Weight: Defines luggage weight

  • Supervisor: Check this option if the worker is a supervisor.


5.4 To select the worker, use the checkbox as it is displayed below:


After including the workers, is necessary to click on “Save and Close”. The workers will display on the tab Embark.


5.5 The tab Disembark has a similar process as the embark, except for when add a worker, will be listed only the workers that are already on board of the Operational Unit defined on Main” tab.

This way is easier to find the workers to select to disembark.


After selecting the workers to disembark is necessary to Save and Close. With this, all workers will be listed on Disembark list.


5.6 On tab Substitutions, is necessary to substitute a selected worker for embark, click on “Add.


5.6-2 A new window will open. It must be informed who will be replaced and which worker will perform the replacement.

On the field Substitute are listed all workers to embark in this schedule.

It must be selected first the worker that will be replaced to then select the worker that will be the substitute. On the field Substitute the worker must be selected. On the field Reason must be inserted the reason for the replacement. 

Click on Save and Close so the substitution is finished.


5.7 The tab Transport Requests is where the schedule transport requests are inserted. To add a new request, click on the Add button.

Obs: If the schedule is type Flight, this tab is not available for editing.

5.7-2 The window will open as below:

5.7-3 In this window must be informed the flight that will be used, the request number and the time.

Obs.It is possible to create many requests for a same schedule.  

5.7-4 Now the user must select the workers that will be on this flight request. After including, click on Save and Close to finish.

5.8 The tab Observation is where can be described any additional information regarding the schedule.

5.9 After all the inclusions, click on Save.


6 - Changing a Logistic Schedule

6.1 If necessary to change the information in a logistic schedule, click on the selected schedule.

6.2 Change what is necessary and click on Save.


7 - Deleting logistic schedules

7.1 To delete a logistic schedule, select the schedule checkbox and click on “Delete


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