Tasks - Manage Flights

1 - Introduction

The flight manager was developed so that the users have greater control of flights linked to Transport request on logistic schedule. With this, will be possible to control which schedules will manage a flight, as such as the seats availability for a certain transport request.


2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Manage flights" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Access

3.1 To access this page, go to: Tasks > Crew Change> Manage Flights


3.2 The page “Flights” will be displayed.

3.3 If there is a great quantity of records, use the search filters or the search bar to find the flights.


4 - How to add a new flight

4.1 To add a new flight, click above the “Add” button.

 4.2 After this, a new window will open with fields that must be filled.


Do you want to add a back flight? When this option is enabled, it is determined that this flight will be used for embark and disembark schedules (Round trip). Will be necessary to fill in the return flight information.

* Description: Flight’s identification.

* Origin: Place of flight’s origin.

* Destination: Place of flight’s destination (Attention: The fields “Origin” and “Destination” must be filled with the Operational Units registered on the system).  

*Flight Date: Date of the flight.

Maximum weight (kg): Flight’s maximum supported weight.

Min seats: Minimum number of seats that need to be filled.

Max seats: Maximum number of seats that need to be filled.

* Time: Flight’s time scheduled.

Enabled: Enable/Disable the flight on logistic schedules.

(*) Mandatory fields

4.3 After filling, click on “Save” to finish.

4.4 After saving the flight, it will be displayed on main page (Flights).


5 - How to link a flight to logistic schedule with type “Date”

5.1 The link between a recorded flight and a logistic schedule must be performed on the “Transport requests” tab in any logistic schedule.

5.2 To link the logistic schedule, click on the option “Flight”, choose the flight and select the the schedule members .

Obs.: So a flight can be displayed as an option to be chosen, the schedule must be on the date defined by the flight.



5.3 Done the flight link with the logistic schedule, the tabs “Embark” and “Disembark” will display the quantity of seats taken.


6 -  How to link a flight to logistic schedule with type “Flight”

6.1 The link between a recorded flight and a logistic schedule must be performed on the “Main” tab in any logistic schedule.

Type: Select the flight;

  • Flight: Choose the corresponding flight;

  • Contract: Contract in which the schedule is bound;

  • Order: Schedule’s Order (e.g. Work order, etc.);

  • Planning Group: Schedule’s planning group (Free text)


  • When selecting the flight, will be only displayed the predefined ones. The other data will be automatically filled according to the selected flight, not being possible to change it, except for the field“Contract”.

  • In this case (Schedule with type “Flight”) may have only one schedule for each flight.

7 - Edit a recorded flight

7.1 If necessary to change a flight record, double click above the selected flight.

7.2 A new window will open with the flight information. On the right, all requests for this flight will be displayed, with date and number of taken seats . 


7.3 If necessary to disable the flight, will be possible to define if the flight must be removed from all future transport requests in which it is linked to, starting the disabling date.

To do so, click on “Enabled” and “Save.


8 - Removing Flights

8.1 To remove a flight, click above it and then click on the “Remove” button.


Obs.: If it is necessary to remove more than one flight, use “Ctrl/Command” and select more flights with the cursor.


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