Outsourced Services Request

Outsourced Services Request

1. Introduction

This article aim to detail all outsourced service request procedure to a provider company.

We will approach these follow topics:

  • Creation a New Request
  • Worker Definition Responsable for Activity
  • Cloning Requests
  • Request Conclusion
  • Request Approving
  • Request Correcting
  • Request Cancellation for Scheduled Services

It is important emphasize that to make a service request, the follow registers must been completed:

  • Activity Register
  • Matrix Register
  • Qualification Register
  • Qualification Needing Type Register
  • Qualification Needing Register

2. Access Permissions

To have the access to this funcionality, the permission "Outsourced Service Request" must be given to responsible profiles to operate and control this function.

To grant this permission, read the article: Access Request - iDrake Supplier

3. Parameters

3.1 Have some parameters that may be configurated in accordance with company needing. 
They are:

  • Default country: Define as default the origin service country.
  • Allow supplier to request exemption for qualification evidence: If was highlighted, it will be possible create request without be necessary inform a provider.
  • Allow complete request without requirement: If was highlighted, it will be possivle create request without be necessary inform execution service requirements.


4. Manage Activity

4.1  Manage activity may be executed during an outsourced service.

Example: In a maintenance will be performed cargo movement activities and work at height.

Note: During a manage, it will be necessary mark the flag 
"Show at service request".

5. Qualification matrixes 

It is recommended do the specific qualification matrix on outsourced mode.


6. Qualification Register

6.1 To outsourced module, it is necessary some items, such as: RG, CPF, Visa (to expatriates) and ASO, be registered as a DRAKE qualification.

6.2 This procedure it is necessary because these requirements that are demanded to providers companies are qualifications already existents on DRAKE.

7. Qualification requirement types

7.1 Through the flag "Must be accomplished by supplier", this register has as function determinate if a qualification necessity kind must be an obligation to provider company.

7.2 If the flag won't be marked, it will define that qualification needs won't be a provider 
company obligation.

8. Qualification requirements

Together with register mentioned above, the qualification needs register is responsable to define
requirements that will be demanded to supplier services companies to the workers may perform a specific service.

Example: The work at height activity demand that workers has some qualifications, such as: 
NR-35 work at height.

Note: If qualification was an obligation to provider company, the flag "Must 
be accomplished by supplier
" on qualification register type must be marked.

9. Access

9.1 Access the requisitions screen through this follow way path:
Tasks > Operation > Outsourced Workforce > Requests.

 9.2 Have done access on "Requests" the screen it will be displayed listing the requests previously created.

9.3 If you want to filter by search requests, use the search device.

10. New Request 

10.1 To create a new request, click on Add button, located on the right hand of screen.

10.2 After that, click on "New Request" and it will be displayed a screen having some fields that need to be filled.

 10.3 Basic Informations:

On this board will might be inserted basic request information.

*Type: Service kind to be done. (This type should be previously registered. 

Requestor: Applicant name. (Ex: Captain John)

*Organizational Unit: Operational unit where the service will be done.

Area: Local to service execution. (Ex: Machine home)

*Expected to start/end: Expected service beginning and conclusion date. 

Description: Service description.

Reason: Request reason.

(*) Required Fields


Supplier permission to request qualification evidences exemption:

Once activated this option be defined that provider may request a qualification evidence exemption added on outsourced services request.

This exemption must been requested when the provider company identify that a evidence has been added on request by a wrong way, or in cases where the document is not obligatory.

Example: On outsourced service request has been demanded a CPF exemption. However, the added worker is an expatriate.

In this case, the provider company may request a CPF evidence exemption.

Note: For make this option available it is necessary set parameters configuration as information below:

Allow supplier to request exemption for qualification evidence: If was highlighted, it will be possible activate the option to allows supplier to request an evidence outsourced qualification. The permission "Allow supplier to request exemption for qualification evidence" must be granted.

Default value of permission to supplier request qualification evidence exemption: If was highlighted, the permission option to supplier request an evidence exemption will be automatically activated on new service request creation.

If was marked, the supplier option permission to request an evidence exemption will be automatically enabled in new service request.

10.4 Additional information:

On this dashboard below will be inserted request information.

  • Supplier: Provider name.
  • Country: The Country where the service will happens.
  • Contract: Service contract.
  • Cost Center: Cost center responsible to service.
  • Purchase order: Purchase service order.
  • Work order: Work service order.
  • Priority: Define request urgency.
  • Currency: Service current currency. (cambial)
  • Value: Rough value of this service.

10.5 Work scope:

On this field will be necessary inform the work scope necessary to service peformance.

To add a scope, click on Add button located on the lower right corner of screen.

Note: Will be possible add many scopes on a request.

This scenario is applied in events to has a service execution. 
This tool also permits the scope creation/separation to features that must be done.

Example: The service needs 4 plataform assistants and 4 electricians. (A scope to assistant function and a scope to electrician function).

Then, click on Add button, insert a scope title. (Ex: Plataform assistant)

 After had defined a scope name, click on "Click here to add a new item".

 Once did it, a new window will be displayed having some fields that must be filled in accordance with performed service.

  • Amount: Used to define workers amount that will be necessary to service perform.
  • Job: If be informed, define that workers must do the respective function.
  • Comments: Empty field to include observation about request.

The next step to be done is the activity definition that will be performed.
For this, you just need click on wanted activities.

To each activity selected on "Requirements" tab will be listed the necessary requirements to service execution which will be requested to supplier.

Note: These requirements are defined through qualifications needs register.

Note: The qualifications needs that be "Added" in a necessity kind which the flag "Must be attend by supplier" be deselected (Topic 07). The requirements will be identified and separated as "Won't be requested to supplier".

If be necessary add a requirement, type a qualification name on search field.

When you locate the wanted qualification, make a click on it to confirm inclusion.

If you need remove a requirement manually added, you just need to click on bin icon, located on the right hand corner of requirement.

Have completed the scope definition, the amount workers definition, 
the function definition and the activity definition, click on "Save" to end. 

 Once have done the previously steps, the scope will be defined.

 It will be possible define a specifc worker as responsible for a task and him will do the team monitoring that will execute the service.

This definition will be done in each work scope.

For make this definition, click on board "Click to add responsible job".

After click, select responsible function and define if it will do the task monitoring.

Have done the definitions, click on "+" button, to complete the inclusion.

Note: On image above was defined that function "Safety Officer" will be responsible by task which professional will do the outsourced team monitoring during proccess.

Repeat this step if be necessary add more than one responsible function. 
Fill the fields and click on "OK" to complete.

Repeat this procedure for each added scope.

If you want remove or make adjustments on scope, you just need to click in one of these options: "Edit/Remove".

Have been checked all request information, click on "Save".

11. Request Conclusion

11.1 By ending the request, it will stay with "Draft" status. 
In that case, the request may be suffer adjustments if be necessary.

12. Clonning an outsourced service request

It is also possible clonning a request. 

13. Correcting a request

During the approval flow, the responsible person may, for some reason, make a request to correct request data.

Note: The access permission, "Outsourced services request validation (flow): Correct Request" may be enabled.

13.1 If be requested the correction, the request will came back to be a draft, and will pass to "Waiting Approval" status.

To correct the request, make a double click on it.

13.2 Then, will be necessary correct and make the complete request procedure.

Done this, the request will pass again by approval flow, until it be approved and sent to provider.

14. Cancelling an outsourced service request

After complete request, will be possible make the cancellation from this request.

Note: If you want to do this procedure, the user profile must have the access permission 
"Cancel outsourced service request".

14.1 To cancel a request, on "Requests" screen you must find the request that will be cancelled and make a double click on it.

14.2 After have clicked on request, a new tab will be displayed having her details. 
At next, click on "X", located on top right hand of screen.

14.3 Then a new board will shows up, where need to be informed the cancellation reason. Click on "Confirm" to complete the proccess.

14.4 Have confirmed the cancellation, the screen will be updated by informing the reason which user held the procedure and his respective date.

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