Reports - Workers (Dashboard)

1 - Introduction

With the dashboard is possible to view all information generated by the system for worker. This page is useful to allow the worker’s information monitoring by many users of DRAKE not changing the data, ensuring full control of the information. On the dashboard it is possible to view training, certificates, vacation, view documents, occurrences and worker’s contact information.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality, the permission “Worker dashboard” must be granted to the responsible profiles for operate and control the functionality.

Permissions list to access the widgets to the page:

Permissions list to access the widgets to the page:

Annual Sheet Position

Worker Dashboard

Vacation widget

Logistic Schedule Widget

Logistic Schedules Widget

Obs: If combined with the permission “Logistic Schedule Widget”, the worker can add a new schedule or remove a participant of the current schedule.

Last Occurrences Widget

Last positions Widget

Documents Widget

Maintain Documents

Training Widget

Change profile picture

Worker contacts

To grant such accesses, read the article:

3 - Access

3.1 Granted the permission, go to the menu: Reports > Workers

3.2 The page "Workers" will be displayed, listing all workers registered on DRAKE.

3.3 Due to the quantity of workers, use the search filters to help locating the worker to be selected.

For a better knowledge of the search filters, read the article: FAQ - Novo modelo dos filtros de pesquisa das funcionalidades

4 - Access to a Worker’s Dashboard

4.1 After locating the worker, select by double clicking above them.

4.2 The worker’s Dashboard will be displayed. The information is structured and displayed by adding and setting the Widgets. 

 To go back to the page “Workers”, click on the button “Back“ on the upper right corner of the page.

4.3 On the left side of the page will be displayed the basic information of the worker.

To view the related information to contacts and addresses, will be necessary to enable the permission “Worker Contacts“. If this resource is not enabled those information will remain hidden.

5 - Types of Widgets 

As previously informed, the Widgets are responsible for structure and the information to be displayed on Dashboard. These information are originated from different functionalities on the system.

Beyond including the Widgets, will be necessary to have specific permissions for each type so the user can view the information.

Below will be listed the Widgets with their respective permissions and settings.

5.1 Annual Sheet Position

Displays all the positions of the worker (embark, day off, standby, etc) from the current year.

Permission: Annual Sheet Position


5.2 Crew

Displays the worker’s regime (days offshore/onshore) from the Crew which they are allocated:


5.3 Vacation

Displays the worker’s next scheduled vacations.

Permission: Vacation Widget


5.4 Next Embark

Displays the next date of scheduled embark for the worker.


5.5 Next Disembark.

Displays the next date of scheduled disembark for the worker.


5.6 Schedules

Displays all embarks and disembarks scheduled.

Widget Settings:

As previously informed, some Widgets can be set, affecting directly the information to be displayed.

When the option is available, the widget can be set. To start, click above this option:


After clicking on it, the window will be displayed containing the options to be filled or changed. The Widgets settings will be distinct according to the content type to be displayed.

Below is the Widget setting for “Schedules“.



  • Widget name: Defines the Widget’s name

  • Retroactive days to consider: Defines the limit of past days to display the workers schedules, considering the current date

  • Future days to consider: Defines the limit of future days to display the workers schedules, considering the current date

  • Records per page: Defined the number of registered embarks to be displayed on each page

  • Ordering by date: Defines if the order will be Descending or Ascending


5.7 Last Occurrences

Displays the last occurrences of the worker: E.g. Embark, Extra Days, Days Off.

Permission: Last Occurrences Widget


Widget’s settings:

  • Widget Name: Defines the Widget’s name

  • Retroactive days to consider: Defines the limit of past days to display the workers schedules, considering the current date

  • Ordering by date: Defines if the order will be Descending or Ascending

5.8 Positions

Displays the past and future positions of the worker. Ex.: Embark, Extra Days, Days Off.

Permission: Last Positions Widget

Widget’s settings:

  • Widget name: Defines the Widget’s name

  • Retroactive days to consider: Defines the limit of past days to display the workers schedules, considering the current date

  • Future days to consider: Defines the limit of future days to display the workers schedules, considering the current date

  • Records per page: Defined the number of registered embarks to be displayed on each page

  • Ordering by date: Defines if the order will be Descending or Ascending

5.9 Documents

Displays the worker’s documents on system.

Permission: Documents Widget.

Widget’s settings:

  • Widget name: Defines the Widget’s name

  • Records per page: Defined the number of registered embarks to be displayed on each page

  • Ordering by date: Defines if the order will be Descending or Ascending

5.10 Trainings

Displays the worker’s trainings

Permission: Trainings Widget

Widget’s settings:

  • Widget name: Defines the Widget’s name

  • Retroactive days to consider: Defines the limit of past days to display the workers schedules, considering the current date

  • Future days to consider: Defines the limit of future days to display the workers schedules, considering the current date

  • Records per page: Defined the number of registered embarks to be displayed on each page

  • Ordering by date: Defines if the order will be Descending or Ascending

5.11 Qualification Needs

Displays the individual qualification of the worker according to the definition on the specified matrix on widget’s settings.

Permission: Qualification Needs Widget.

Widget’s settings:

  • Widget name: Defines the Widget’s name

  • Records per page: Defined the number of registered embarks to be displayed on each page

  • Matrix: Qualification Matrix to be considered to display the Needs.

  • Ordering by date: Defines if the order will be Descending or Ascending

  • Need Types: Defines the type of needs that will be considered to be displayed.

  • Valids: If checked, will display the worker’s valid needs.

  • Expireds: If checked, will display the needs the worker has an previous attendance of this need, however it is expired.

  • Without Compliance: If checked, will display the worker’s needs without compliance of the certificates.

6 - Adding Widgets

6.1 To add a new Widget, click on the button “Edit“.


6.2 New options will be displayed. Click on “Add Widget“ to perform changes.


6.3 A new window will be displayed listing all the existing Widgets. Find the Widget and click on “Add”.

6.4 The next step is to position and define the size of the Widget as preferred.

To resize, click on a blue corner and drag according to the size to be defined.

To move it, click on any part of the Widget and drag to the place it will be.

Note: As informed on the topic 5, will be necessary to have specific access permission to include some Widgets. If the user does not have the permission, a message will be displayed informing that the user does not have the permission to view the information on the Widget.

7 - Editing Widgets

7.1 Edit the Widgets makes possible to change the Widget’s positions. For this, click on “Edit”


7.2 Done this, resize or change the position of the Widgets as preferred.


8 - Removing Widgets

8.1 To remove the Widgets, click on the “X” button on the Widget to be removed.


9 - Add worker’s picture

9.1 To add a picture of the worker in the Dashboard, click above the avatar.

Note: To perform this action is necessary to have the permission “Change Profile Picture

9.2 A new window will be displayed. Next, upload the image as requested on the screen.

9.3 Position the image as preferred and click on “Save” to finish.

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