Request document exemption - iDrake Supplier

Request document exemption - iDrake Supplier

1. Introduction

It will be possible request a document exemption when the provider company identify that any particular documentation may be requested wrong, or in case, won't be possible attend the requested requirement.

Example: In a requirement has been requested that worker CPF might be sent.

However, the inserted worker is an expatriate. In this case, foreign workers doens't have a CPF and for this reason it will be possible resquest an exemption. (CPF Document)

2. Access

2.1 In solicitations screen, find the solicitation which exemption request will be applied.

2.2 During attendance, when you had identified the document that will be exempt, click on "Request Exemption" , as image below:

2.3 At this next step, it will be necessary insert an exemption reason.

2.4 Have inserted reason, click on "Complete".

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