Request Screen - iDrake Supplier
1. Introduction
On this iDrake Supplier screen it will be listed the customers requested services to a provider company.
2. Access
2.1 Do access on solicitation screen by clicking on "Requests".
2.2 Have done this, the solicitation screen it shows up listing all solicitations sent by customers. Those solicitations will be identify with her description and company's name.
Observation: Use search filters to find particular solicitations.
3. Viewing solicitation details
3.1 For view the solicitation details, you just need make a double click on solicitation.
3.2 After, a new window will be displayed, describing the respective solicitation data with service description, reason and place for execution. Will also describe work scope demands.
3.3 In work scope board, it will be specified activities that will be performed during work, as well as the required worker numbers and the requirements for those activities execution, like ASO, certificates, etc.
To see scope details, you just need to click on expansion button, located on right hand of screen.
3.4 As mentioned, the scope will be presented listing activities, workers necessary numbers and, in accordance with these activities, the service execution requirements.
4. Answering a request
4.1 Indentified requirements for service execution, the attending might be started.
For this, click on worker selection option.
4.2 Then, a worker list will be displayed. To select the wanted worker, just need to click on worker twice, or drag him until marked place.
Observation: Use filter bar to find particular workers.
4.3 After you had select the worker, on right side of your screen will shows up his documents.
Observation: To remove worker, just click on "Remove".
4.4 The next step to be done is the activities requirements attachment inclusion.
To insert a document, click on requirements area and make a double click on wanted file.
4.5 After selection, click on "Complete" to confirm requirement inclusion.
To remove any inserted document, click on "Remove" button, located at the same side.
To each confirm insertion the next worker will be updated with answered requirements numbers.
4.6 Then, inform an activity that will be peformed by company.
To insert an activity, click on "Pencil" button, located on the right hand of screen.
Observation: To do this procedure, the performed company activities must be previously registered.
To confirm, type the activity name and then click on "Define".
4.7 Finished the accordance procedure and have done workers inclusion and their documents verification be correctly, it would be necessary make the solution conclusion.
This conclusion is based on customer answers with shipment informations inserted on request. These answers will pass by a validation, which the customer decides if service will be effectively hired.
To finish a request, just click on "Complete".
5. Correcting a request
After request conclusion, workers list containing their documents will be sent to customer for documents requirement validation.
If document has been denied for some reason, the request will return to iDrake Supplier to do appropriate corrections.
Observation: The request that need correction will be identified with a pending sign on "Requests" screen.
5.1 Make a click on solicitation.
5.2 After click, the attending details will be displayed on screen. On the left corner of screen will be highlighted which document had denied, as well as reason for that.
5.3 Find the document and then click on "Reopen" to start his correction.
5.4 As the refuse reason, do a document exclusion by clicking on "X" button.
5.5 Got this, do the new document inclusion and click on "Complete" to confirm.
5.6 Then, the pending will be eliminated. When you have finished adjustments, do the attendance conclusion to resubmit answer back to the customer.
6. Canceled Requests
6.1 If customer had cancel a third party service request, the request will be indentified on iDrake Supplier as "Canceled".
To view the cancellation details make a click on canceled request.
6.2 After click, the attendance screen will be displayed. On top of screen, a message will appears informing cancellation reasons.
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