Tasks - Online Training

1 - Introduction

With this tool is possible to create and manage online trainings, such as follow up and control the flow. This function is based on “Personnel Requirements” () and “Courses” (), considering this training is “Online”.

In this page is possible to send automatically the course to the workers set as missing qualification. After the user sends the training, the system sends a notification to the qualification entity, which will send the course to the worker.

The worker will have a deadline to finish the course, if not finished on time, the pending alert will be displayed again.

2 - Permissions





Maintain online training

Mst be granted to the responsible profiles for operating and control the online training.

Report online training completion

Grants the possibility of finishing an online training manually as mentioned in the item 8 of this tutorial.

To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions

3 - Access

Go to the menu: Tasks > Training > Online Training.

The page below will be displayed:


Observation: The trainings will be listed in ascending order according to its start date.

If a higher quantity of trainings be displayed, use the search filters to find the registers.



For further knowledge about the search filters, read the article: FAQ - Novo modelo dos filtros de pesquisa das funcionalidades

4 - Scheduling an Online Training

This scheduling procedure can be performed in two options:

O procedimento de agendamento de um treinamento online poderá ser realizado de duas formas, sendo elas: Schedule Training or Add Training Individually

4.1 - Add Training Individually

The individual schedule is based on scheduling a training for any worker considering the qualification does not need to be a requirement.

To schedule an individual training, pass the mouse over the button “Add“ and click below on the option “Add Training Individually“.


Next, a new window will be displayed containing some fields to be filled.







Trainee’s name


Course to be performed

Will only be displayed the suppliers that are linked to the course through the record “Provider’s Course Information“. To know this record’s procedure, read the article:


Course provider / Certifying entity

Start / End

Period of the training

Click on “Save“ to confirm.



The course will be displayed on the main page of Online Trainings.


4.2 - Schedule Training

Scheduling by qualification requirements consists on scheduling a course when there is a qualification need for this, according to thee worker’s job and the existing matrices. Based on this, it is necessary to register the matrix.

To schedule a training through a qualification requirement, at first, it is necessary to position the cursor above the “add” button and click on “Schedule training”.


The page “Online Training Schedule“ will be displayed. After this, will be necessary to perform a query to identify which workers need this training.


Observation: This query’s result will only display workers with this individual qualification requirement. To turn a training into a requirement, go to the article:  Cadastro de necessidades de qualificação

For this, it is necessary to inform some parameters responsible for the execution of this query. 

Qualification Filters

Expiring days: Filters the qualifications about to expire in x days;

Worker Type: Filters by worker’s type (Employee, Expatriate, etc.)

Matrix: Filters by Qualification Matrix;

Qualification Filters (worker)

Job: Filters worker’s specific job

Operational Unit: Filters worker’s specific Operational Unit

Department: Filters worker’s specific department

Observation: The greater the number of parameters informed, the more specific the query result will be.

After setting the parameters, click on “Search“.

The search result will be displayed listing the courses which some workers need to be qualified. Besides, will be displayed the qualification and the amount of workers that need the training.



By clicking in the arrow below, it is possible to view the workers that need this qualification. 

Select the workers and then click on “Schedule selected workers".


You can schedule for all workers at once. Click “Schedule All Workers” to do this.


By selecting any of the options, a window will be displayed to confirm the training.

Will be necessary to inform the suppler (certifier) and the period the workers can start the training. After this procedure, click on “Schedule


Reminder: On the field “Supplier“, will be displayed only the suppliers linked to the course through “Provider’s Course Information

After clicking on “Schedule“, a message will be displayed in the bottom of the page informing that the schedule was finished successfully.

 The training will be set as Confirmed after finished.


5 - Edit Online Training

To edit training, click on the three dots () on the right side of the page.


After changing the necessary information, click on “Save”.


6 - Subscription Confirmation 

After the online training, the registration to the training center must be confirmed so the course can be started.

To perform this confirmation, click in “…“ (Options) and select “Confirm Subscription“.


The training status will be changed from “Confirmed“ to Subscribed“.

7 - Starting Training

To start a training, click on “…” (Options) and select  “Start”.

Observation: It is necessary that the training status is as “Subscribed

After selecting “Start” the training status will be changed to “Started“.

8 - Finishing a Training

After completing the training, the confirmation must be set on DRAKE. To perform such action, click on “Options“ and “Complete“.

A new window will be displayed too select if the worker was “Approved“ or “Not Approved“.

Finish by clicking on “Complete“.

The training result will be displayed on the main page as a Status.

9 - Cancelling a Training

If necessary to cancel a training, click on “Options“ and select “Cancel“.

Inform the reason for cancellation and a comment if prefer.


Finish clicking on “Confirm

The training status will be changed to “Canceled“.



10 - Training Status






Training is scheduled for the worker


The course is available on worker’s MyDRAKE to be started


Worker started the Online Training

Not Approved

After started, the worker did not finish the training successfully. Whether if not achieved the grade or the exam time is expired.


Training without activity finished successfully.


Training with activity finished successfully.


Training suspended.

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