DRAKE Configuration - Parameters - Vacation Planner

1 - Introduction

This option is available only for customers that use MyDRAKE - If your company does not use this tool, will not be possible to view this path. This occurs considering that in the application is possible to the worker schedule vacation and here will be set on DRAKE to process this request.


2 - Steps

2.1 To access the parameters of “Vacation Planner”, go to: Configuration > Parameters > Modules > Vacation Planner






Update planning deadline 

Number of days before worker's vacation start

Vacation alert 

Number of days before vacation start that the user is going to be notified

Changes with justifications 

Number of days before the end of the concession period

Vacation request reminder 

Number of days before the end of the vacation request deadline

Parcial Approval

 Allow partial vacation approval?

Anticipation of the 13th salary

 Allows the worker to request the anticipation of the 13th salary?

Worker need vacation coverage as default ? 

Set if worker need or not vacation coverage if don't exists any applicable automatic definition

Continue to plan holidays even when vacations are already confirmed

 Start vacation request flow or continue generating vacation suggestions even when vacations are already confirmed.

Create vacation outside the concession period

Create vacation outside the concession period when it is still within the concession period

Limit in days to emit event vacation completely taken 

Limit in days to emit event vacation completely taken in vacation request flow.

Vacation Coverage Definition: Here the coverage of absenteeism will be restricted, whether by Job, OU, Contract or changing among each other.

Rule Configuration:





Continue updating suggestions even after deadline for request has been reached

Will continue to update vacation suggestions even after the request deadline has been reached

Rule Configuration

By clicking on “Add“,

By clicking on “Add”, the window ““ will open over the page. In this window can be created vacation rules to be calculated and applied according to the worker category.






Worker category

Inform the category for this rule setting will belong to.


Free text field - What is informed here indicates on worker’s MyDrake which vacation rule will be applied to them.


Free text field - What is informed here indicates on worker’s MyDrake which vacation rule will be applied to them.


What is informed here indicates on worker’s MyDrake which vacation rule will be applied to them.

Limit days to schedule

Inform the system the limit of days the worker can answer to the vacation request generated by DRAKE.

Vacation request deadline

Inform the limit of days so DRAKE can generate the vacation request to the worker.

Vacation Sell

How many days will possibly be sold by the worker.

Vacation split

The worker can split the vacation on how many periods? Example: 1, 2, 3, 4 (…)

Minimum quantity of days allowed to a vacation partition

Based on “Vacation Split“, inform the minimum time (in days) the worker can be on vacation.

Maximum quantity of days applied to a vacation partition

Based on “Vacation Split“, inform the maximum time (in days) the worker can be on vacation.

Minimum of days between vacation periods

Inform the minimum quantity of days to split a vacation period from another.

Vacation suggestion

Limit of periods DRAKE can suggest in case the rule is “both“ or “suggested“.

Number of periods to choose

Limit of periods can inform if the rule is “both“ or “informed“.

Rule Method

Inform which rule method applied: suggested, where the system sends suggestion to the workers on MyDRAKE; Informed, where the workers vacation is informed only on MyDRAKE; Both, where both cases can happen.

Start Validity

From which date this rule will be valid.

End Validity

Until which date this rule will be valid.

Rule Identifier

This identifier will be useful only for calculation maps on our process and will not be changed.

Vacation periods sum of days must respect vacation days balance

Check this option to the worker’s vacation period informed don’t be over the vacation limit the worker has acquired.


Check this option if the registered rule is valid and active.


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