FAQ - Change password on MyDRAKE (Web)
Do you want to change your user’s password on MyDRAKE? We can help you!
1- Introduction
In this article you will find the instructions to change your user’s password.
2 - Steps
2.1 After logging in, click on the username (on the menu). The tab “Change Password“ will be displayed. Click on this option.
2.2 The user will be redirected to the page below, where must inform the registered e-mail and click on “Send verification code” (Enviar código de verificação):
Wait for the e-mail below. If not received, check our support material on the link: FAQ - Desbloqueio do domínio DRAKE no e-mail
2.3 Microsoft will send the following e-mail:
2.4 Inform the code received by e-mail on the field below and click on “Verify code” (Verificar código):
2.5 Next, click on “Continue“ (Continuar):
2.6 Inform the new password and then confirm again. Click on “Continue“ (Continuar).
2.7 The page below will be displayed:
You will be redirected to the login page.
Logon on the system again, now using the new password:
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