Parameters - Service setting: "Training Matrix Notifier"

Parameters - Service setting: "Training Matrix Notifier"

1 - Introduction

The parameter “Training Matrix Notifier” allows to send e-mails to workers, with information regarding the Training Matrix, as such as qualifications the worker needs, that have been defined on the matrix.

2 - Parameters settings

2.1 The first step is to access the page Parameters, by going to:  Configuration > Parameters.

2.2 On Parameters screen, access the tabs: Automation > Service configurations. 


2.3 When clicking and checking the option “Training Matrix Notifier“, or “Notificador de Matriz de Treinamento”, the window below will be displayed. To activate the parameter, select the option “Active“, define the interval time and the limit to execute. Done this, click on “Save and Close”. The language used to define the interval is CRON and must follow its default to insert the value. Click here to know further about “CronMaker”.

2.4 After the changes, click on "Save"


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