Records - Courses

Records - Courses

1 - Introduction

A Course is what generates certification, so when it is informed that a worker needs a qualification, the system will indicate which registered course will provide this qualification. The course can be online or in person, internal or external, and available in English and in Portuguese. This record will have as information the duration, prerequisites and the qualification that will be granted after finishing and two records are necessary to be done while creating a course. They are:

  • Records - Certificate Types where will be informed which certificate type will be generated after approving the worker on the course.

  •  Records - Qualificationswhere it will be informed which are the necessary qualifications for the worker to take the course (if any) and necessarily what is the qualification granted by the course.


Attention: The item “3, Resource and activity for Online Courses” is exclusive for Online courses. In person courses don’t need recording resources and activities on DRAKE. If necessary to include digital signatures to certificates from Online courses, check: FAQ - Adding digital signature in online certificates

2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Maintain Course" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Registering a new course

To register a new course, go to the menu: Records > Compliance > Courses.


Done the access, the page “Courses“ will be displayed. There will be listed all the courses previously registered on DRAKE.


Next, DRAKE will lead to a page where will be necessary to fill basic information of the course, such as acronym, name, duration and type.

Attention: The option “Is external course“ wil be selected if the course will not be applied internally, which means the supplier will provide and define the program content.


After filling the fields, click on the button Save on the upper right corner of the page.


After saving, the next step is to click on the tab ““, where must be informed if a qualification is a prerequisite to perform the course that is being registered.

Click on “Add“ to include a new prerequisite:


Select the prerequisite and click on “Add”.


On the tab “Granted qualifications“, inform which qualification and certification will be granted after finishing the course. To include this qualification, click on “Add“.

If necessary to register a qualification, check the article  Records - Qualifications


When including the Granted Qualifications, click on “Save“ and go to the next step.


The next step is to click on the tab “Content”. There must be included the course content. For this, click on “Create Content“.


A text box will be displayed to inform the course content. Add and change as necessary.


4 - Resources and activities for Online Courses

Below the page is located stages that are divided in resource and activity.


4.1 Resource

Resources are course’s support files to the worker use for study. To add, click on the first icon as displayed in the image below. The maximum size of the attachment is 200MB.


Drake will display a pop-up window requesting information about the resource to be attached. Inform Title, Description add the attachment and click on “Add” to finish

O DRAKE apresentará um pop-up solicitando algumas informações acerca do recurso que será adicionado. Informe o título do texto de apoio, a descrição e adicione o PDF em “Anexos”. Ao finalizar, clique em "Salvar".


4.1.1 Changing a resource

To change a resource, click on the pencil icon as below.



A window will open to change the registered information. Click on “Change”.


4.1.2 Deleting a resource

To delete a resource, click on the trash can icon.


4.2 Activity

Activities are tasks or questions to be applied on the course being registered. To add the activity, click on the second icon.


On the left corner of the page are located the activity settings. Inform the quantity of questions, minimum time to finish the test, the maximum number of possible tries and the minimum score to be approved.

Next, build a form. Add title, Description and inform if the form will show the answers.

Done with this step, click on “Add question


When clicking on “Add question”, fill the fields as displayed in the image below:


After finished, click on “Add“.

4.2.1 Changing an activity

To change an activity, click on the pencil icon.


A page will be displayed to change the information. Click on “Change“ to finish. 


4.2.2 Excluindo uma atividade

Para excluir, basta clicar no ícone de exclusão representado por uma lixeira.

5 - Changing a Course

Select the course to be changed and double click above it.


The course will be opened and the changes will be available to be done. Click on “Save” to finish after changing.


5 - Deleting a Course

Select the course to be deleted and click on “Remove”.



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