Reports - Qualification Matrix

Reports - Qualification Matrix

1 - Introduction

The Qualification Matrix helps the manager to obtain a macro view of the qualification needs defined for the positions, contracts, operational units, and other by allowing information to be filtered in different ways.

2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Maintain Qualification Needs" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Access

3.1 To access the “Qualification Matrix“, go to: Reports > Compliance > Qualification Matrix


3.2 The page below will be displayed:


4 - Execute the Query

4.1 The Matrix to be displayed depends on the filters that will be used.


Qualification Matrix: Defines the Matrix to be displayed

Type: Defines the Requirement type to be displayed

Country: Defines the Country to be selected.

Operational Unit: Filters the information of an Operational Unit.

Department: Filters the information of a specific department.

Contract: Filters the information of a specific contract.

Person: Filters the information of a specific employee type (Hired, Third Party, etc.).

Job: Filters the information of a specific job.

Activity: Filters the information of a specific activity.

Qualification: Filters the information of a specific qualification.


4.2 Set the filters and click on “Execute“.

Below there is a query example. The filters selected were: Qualification Matrix: Matrix“ and Operational Unit:Unit One



Attention: If the execution was selected without any filter, all the information will be displayed, including all the matrices registered, all qualifications, countries, etc.

Or if only one or two filters were selected as the example above, the matrix will be displayed containing all the other options from other filters. The query will be more specific when executed with more filters.


4.3 According to the applied filters, the matrix will be displayed.



The example above displays the necessary qualifications to embark on the Operational Unit Sapiensia 5.

The qualifications marked with an “X” are considered necessary to the respective jobs.

4.4 To clear the filters or the matrix data, click on “Clear“.


5 - Exporting the matrix to Excel

5.1 To export the matrix information as a spreadsheet, click on the button “Export to Excel“.


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