Tasks - Training (Training)

Tasks - Training (Training)

1 - Introduction

With this tool, is possible to create and manage in person trainings, such as follow-up and control its flows. This functionality is a system indication based on the table from “Personnel Requirements“ regarding the indicated courses. Here is possible to send automatically the course to the defined workers with pending qualification. After the user send the trainings, the system sends a notification to the entity to provide the qualification service.

2 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Maintain training" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To add workers with conflicts on the schedule, the permission “Add worker with training alert“ must be granted.

The permission “Add worker with training block“ allows to add blocked participants on training.

The permission “Start blocked trainings“ allows to use the button “start“ even if an attendee is blocked.

The permission “Return training status“ allows to use the button “Return“ to go back to the previous status.

The permission “Approve training“ allows to use the button “Approve“ to approve the planned crew.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

3 - Access

3.1 Go to the page “Training“ by following the menu: Tasks > Training > Training.


3.2 The page “Training“ will be displayed containing all listed trainings.


4 - Adding a new training

4.1 To include a new training, click on the button “Add“.


4.2 The page to add a new training will open. Fill the fields with the basic information of the training, such as course, suppplier, start, end, etc.

If this is an Internal training, select the option “Training is Internal?

Attention: It is important to include the number of available slots to add the workers on the tab “Trainees


 Attention: Before adding the participants is necessary to click on “Save“ after filling the header information.

4.3 On the tab “Details“, fill the necessary fields and to finish, click on “Save“.


If the entity (Training Center) provides transportation (from hotel/home to the course local and reverse), the option “Entity provides transportation“ must be selected, otherwise, Drake will understand that will be necessary to create the logistics need from home/hotel from/to the training center.

Attention: It is highly important that the training local address, start and end time are correctly informed.

4.4 On the tab “Trainees“, must be added the participants of the course. Click on “Add” to proceed with this part of the process.

4.5 The window to add trainees will be displayed. Filter it based on the Qualification Matrix to find the workers. 


Attention: Drake allows to search for employees with qualification requirements in many ways, restricting it to embarked workers in the period or with limitations. To do so, check the option “Not Restricted Only“.

After setting the requirements properties, click on the button “Filter“ and will be displayed the workers according to the profile set on the filter. If there is alert or block, will be displayed on the column “Position“.


4.6 Select the workers and click on “Save“ to finish.


4.7 The third tab is for “Logistic Needs“, where is possible to view and add (if necessary) the logistics needs for the training, such as transportation, hotels, etc.



When adding the trainees, Drake will use the hiring address for the workers and the entity address registered on the system and will search for paths between these two places. These needs are created and displayed in this tab.

4.8 If necessary to add a logistic need, click on “Add“.


4.9 A new window will be displayed. Fill the fields as requested and select the workerthat will use this need.


4.10 Click on “Save and Close“ to finish


Attention: After creating the logistics needs for training, whether it is automatically or manual on Drake, the process such as logistics confirmation, association or requests will be necessary to perform normally.

4.11 Tyhe fourth tab is “Absences“, where will be informed (if necessary) the trainees that did now show up for training. To add a new absence, click on “Add“.


 4.12 The tab “Comments“ - General -, is the field where can be included any information regarding the training.


4.13 After adding all the information is necessary to save again, by clicking on “Save“.


5 - Approving a Training

5.1 After creating the training, it must be approved by the responsible, in order to proceed with the training flow. To perform this action, click on “Approve“.


Attention: To perform this action, the permission “Approve training“ is necessary. 

6 - Starting a Training

There is an automation capable of changing the training class status from “Registered“ to “Started“ when the informed date arrives on the field “Start (date)“, on the training class. If the “training initiator“ needs to be enabled, it can be found on the page Configuration > Parameters > Automation > Service configurations.

6.1 After “Approved“ is necessary to proceed with the confirmation process The confirmation of the training will be automatically done after notifying all the mrmbers.

Attention: To know more about how yo notify training, go to: https://sapiensia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SIA/pages/2337341483

6.2 After notify all the members, the registration option will be available to click. Now must be informed the registration of the class to the entity of the course. To perform this action, click on “Register“.


6.3 After clicking on “Register“, the training will change to status “Registered“ and the button “Start” will be available to click.

6.4 To confirm on Drake this training is started, click on the button “Start“.


6.5 The training will change status to “Started“ and the button “Finish“ will be available.

Attention: The training will be started only if there are no blocks. If there is a member with restrictions, will be allowed to start only if the user has the permission "Start blocked trainings"

7 - Finishing a Training

7.1 After finishing the training, the user must inform to Drake. To perform this action, click on the button “Finish“.


7.2 After finishing, the course will be changed to the status “Completed“ and automatically the certificates of the course will be generated and listed on the page “Certificates” (https://sapiensia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SIA/pages/2337342835).



8 - Training Statuses



9 - Returning Training Status 

If for any reason, a training is wrongly completed, started or registered, it is possible to return to the previous status.

9.1 To perform this return, click on “Return“.


10 - Cancelling a Training 

10.1 If for any reason, a training needs to be cancelled, it is possible by clicking in the button “Cancel“, except for finished trainings.


10.2 Done this, a new window will be displayed. Inform a reason for the training cancellation and if rescheduled, which date it will be moved to.

10.3 To confirm, click “Ok

11 - Performing Changes on a Training

All the process mentioned above will be partly performed and in few cases, in distinct moments, as well. On an instant it will be planed, on other it can be registered to the training center, and so, until its conclusion.

Thus, whenever it is necessary to change any detail or follow the sequence of its flow, will be necessary to repeat the access procedure (Topic 3.1).

11.1 On the page “Training“, use the search bar to find the corresponding training. Next, lick above the chosen option.


11.2 The page with training information will be displayed. Change the details if necessary or proceed with the training flow.


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