Tasks - Set Work Time
1. Introduction
By “Time’s Register”, the work time setting has as function which determinate a work time for a specific worker for every embark. These adjustments impact directly on payroll.
When worker got embarked you should insert a work time. If you don’t inform to DRAKE about worker worktime, won’t be possible export payroll data as well as timesheet.
2. Access Permissions
To have access to this feature, the permission "Definir horário de trabalho"must be given to accountable user.
More info about this permission: Giving access permissions - Concedendo permissões de acesso
3. Get Starting
3.1 Access worktime screen by: Tasks > Onboard > Set Work Time
3.2 Then, “Workshift Definition” screen will be displayed. On this screen will be listed every adjustment previous done.
3.3 To add a new work time click “add” as image below:
3.4 A new window will show up with some areas to fill, such as “Date”, “RIG” and “Time”.
Date*: Date to work time get start.
End: Date to work time get finish
RIG*: Workers from RIG “X” will change their worktime
Time*: Time that will be changed
3.5 Filled requested areas, select workers that will have their work time changed.
Ps: It’s possible select more than one worker, although on the home screen “set work time” the time and workers will be listed individually.
3.6 After that, click “Save and close” to complete e close process or “Save and new” to save and start a new one.
3.7 Then, the workers work time will be displayed at screen “Workshift Definition”
4. Editting Workshift
Every workshift made can be edited, but only “start” and “time” areas. The selected worker cannot be changed.
PS: If you need change the worker, you must at first delete that workshift and create another one.
4.1 To change some info, click on Workshift definition screen and select wanted worktime.
4.2 Had select the Workshift, the register screen will be displayed. Change wanted information and click “Save and close” to complete process.
5. Deleting Workshift
To delete any definition select the wanted Workshift and click “Delete”, as image below:
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