Tasks - Set Operation Site

Tasks - Set Operation Site

1. Introduction

The RIG are movable places. Currently, the worker can be onboard in Brazil RIG, but tomorrow the same RIG can be in Angola. So, for that, inform DRAKE the place where RIG would be performing, and the system will regulate worker documents to work there.

2. Access Permissions

To access this feature, the permission "Definir local de operação" must be given to responsible users.

For give this permission, read the article: Giving access permissions - Concedendo permissões de acesso

3. Get Starting

3.1 Access: Tasks > Onboard > Set Operation Site

3.2 Then the screen below will be displayed:

3.3 To define a new place, click “add” as image below:

3.4 Have done this, a new screen will show up. Fill requested areas.

  • RIG: Operational RIG.

  • Date: Operational start date

  • Job: Operating pit

  • Country: Country where will operate

3.5 Filled requested areas, click “save and close” to complete process.

4. Editting definition

4.1 If you want to change any definition, click on wanted one.

4.2 Then, change wanted information and click “save and close

5. Deleting definition

For delete a definition, select defined places and then click “delete” to complete process.



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