POB - Confirm - Embark
1. Introduction
After bed booking is necessary that embark confirmation was done and the selected people been onboard.
2. Get Starting
2.1 Access POB screen through the follow path: Tasks > Onboard > POB
2.2 On menu bar, click Confirm > Embarkation to do the embark confirmation
2.3 After that, a new screen will be displayed with scheduled embarks as well as beds reservation until selected date.
PS: DRAKE’s default date will be always used at reservation.
On image below the default date will be 17/07 at 11h20 a.m. So, only previous schedules by this date will be shown.
PS: As said, by DRAKE’s default, the date and time will be automatically selected, although you change it as your own preferences.
2.4 If you want to show every booking bed, click “Show all”
We recommended that this be done only when people got embarked or will embark before previous date.
2.5 After that, select people that will embark.
2.6 If someone wouldn’t embark, should be informed a “No Show”. For that, click “No show” as image below:
2.7 Have selected all people who will embark, click “Confirm”.
2.8 Confirm date and time that embark got done. Then, click “Confirm” once again.
2.9 All done! For now, the worker will be onboard on your operational unit, on cabin, bed and lifeboat previous registered in DRAKE.
If you wanted check more information about worker onboard, access: POB - Reports – Onboard People
3. Onboard presence indicator
This feature will be shown every time that have any try to confirm a worker embark who are already onboard.
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