Records - Addresses

1 - Introduction

The address utilization has as main goal to define the logistic needs. Here is the address database of DRAKE system, where all the addresses registered in Records > Persons > Workers and Records > Persons > Entities are registered, as such as all the necessary addresses to logistic team to generate routes for the workers (addresses created in this page, instead of workers and entities that are created on their pages)


When registering the addresses the type “residential”, which are the addresses registered on Records > Persons > Workers and are also registered on this page. Many times the address registered by the HR is not the same address to be used for logistical purposes, in these cases, it is recommended to register a second address to the worker with type “Hiring”, as will be displayed in this article. The system filters the workers hiring address when registered on system. This address is the same that will be used for logistic needs. The register of entities address may vary according to the department and is also saved in this page.

2 - Georeferencing

Georeferencing is essential so that DRAKE can create logistic needs automatically.

To calculate distances between addresses, DRAKE needs latitude and longitude of these addresses. For this, uses Google Maps services to obtain information from the location data.

This automatic process must be set and in some cases the georeferencing is not automatically found, being necessary an manual intervention to complete registering.

3 - Permissions

To access this page, the option "Maintain Addresses" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.

To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.

4 - Registering addresses manually

4.1 To register an address, go to: Records > Logistics > Addresses. 

4.2 The page "Addresses" will be displayed, listing all the recorded addresses on DRAKE. To register a new address, click on “Add”.

4.3 The window “New Address” will open.


Sets if the address will be or not utilized on logistic needs.


Can be a person or an entity. It is necessary a name to identify uniquely and will be the name sent on logistic needs.


DRAKE allows the user to choose some addresses, such as: Hiring Airport, Commercial, Hiring, Others, Public, Residential. The type “Hiring Airport” and “Hiring” are associated to workers, which means that the system will create routed to workers with this address type. The types “Commercial” and “Public“ are used by the system associated to hotels, public places, airports and etc. The types “Others“ and “Residential“ are not used for logistic needs, those are for information only.

Public Area

This field works as a Google Maps search tool for addresses. Insert here the address and then “Get Address“. After this, the system will fill the fields with the address located on the map.

Number, Complement, Neighborhood, City, State, ZIP Code, Country, PO Box

Insert here the address information so it can be found by users and workers.


Free Text


International Air Transport Association (IATA) - Must be filled when the address belongs to an airport.


Coordinates for georeferencing in the system


Coordinates for georeferencing in the system

4.4 It is necessary that latitude and longitude be according to the recorded address, so the georeferencing can work. To do so, after filling the address information, click on “To Locate“ and the system will fill automatically the coordinates to the provided address .


4.5 After finished, click on ”Save”.


5 - Changing a recorded address

5.1 If necessary to change a recorded address, double click above the address.

5.2 Change the necessary information, then click on “Save to finish.


6 - Removing an address 

6.1 To remove an address select one address and then click on “Remove”.


Behind DRAKE is a database where the information entered into the system is linked internally, thus creating a complex network. If you try to delete an item that has a link with other pertinent information, the system will block your action. In this case, unlink any and all possible information linked to the country record.

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