Tasks - Control Logistic Needs (General)
1 - Introduction
The logistic needs can be generated through schedules of embark, training or manually and wherever it comes from, the control panel will be in this page. The needs have an attendance flow and the requester’s aim is to follow up all this flow, ensuring that the logistic needs are being attended or cancelled. This page notifies the many types of needs control through their statuses.
Those statuses interact with other logistic tasks, below there is a list describing each status and their meaning:
Changed Request Sent | After changed, the need must be sent to the supplier. After sent, the status will change to "Changed Request Sent". |
Change Request Recused | After sent the changes, the supplier has the option to attend or not. If it is recused, the status will change to "Change Request Recused" |
Changed | After established the communication of the logistic need with the supplier, if something change, such as date and/or time on system, the need is set as "Changed" and it is needed to re-send. It is necessary to send a new request to the supplier, so it the changes be notified. After sent, the status goes from "Changed" to "Changed Request Sent" |
Approved | This status indicates that the need was already revised and it is approved to be requested to the supplier. |
Served | After received the supplier attendance confirmation, this information is added to the system, change the status to "Served"(If the company uses MyDRAKE, the workers can follow up in their apps the logistic need for them) |
Cancelled | After receiving the supplier's return regarding the cancellation requested. |
Cancelled with payment | When the cancellation is requested and still need to be paid (fee or other charges) |
Cancel pending | Means that the cancellation was requested only on the system and not sent yet to the supplier. |
Cancellation Requested | Cancellation request was sent to the supplier. |
Confirmed | The logistic is correct and can be sent to the supplier for attendance. |
Sent | The request was sent, ensuring the supplier is aware of the request. |
Informed | After generating the logistic on system, but it is not confirmed yet (need to check date, time, origin and destination, etc.). |
Not served | When logistic is requested, but the supplier did not attend. |
NO SHOW | The logistic was attended, but the worker did not use it. |
Refundable | When there are incorrect payments to the supplier, it is informed to the system so the amount can be utilized or refunded. |
Requested | After starting the logistic request request and saving it, but not finishing by sending it to the supplier. |
Refunded | After using the amount from the status "Refundable". |
Used | When the supplier notifies that the attendance was accomplished. |
2 - Permissions
This page has a large quantity of permissions according with its features. Below are the permissions and their actions:
Logistic Needs | Logistic needs control routine for all sections on Drake. Allows to manage widely and optimize logistics from distinct origins. |
Reactivate logistic needs | Allows to perform a logistic need with status "Cancelled". |
Multiple inclusion of logistic needs | Allows to select more than one worker when generating a logistic need. |
Dissociate logistic needs | Allows to use the button "Dissociate" to unlink grouped logistic needs. |
Confirm logistic needs | Allows to use the button "Confirm", which confirms logistics with status "Informed", validating a logistic created manually by the user or by Drake. |
Clone logistic needs | On the places that the logistic needs can be managed, allows to use the button "Clone", which duplicates the selected logistic need. |
Cancel logistic needs | Allows to use the button "Cancel" and all its sub-options. |
Associate logistic needs | Allows to use the button "Associate to group multiple logistic needs into one. |
Change flag of needs payment | Allows to check the option "Pay" on logistic needs, which informs if the logistics will be invoiced or not |
Change approved logistic request | Allows to change schedules after their approval |
Send logistic needs | Allows to use the button "Send", which will send an e-mail with the logistic request form. |
Change Optimization Permission of logistic needs | Allows to check if the logistic can be optimized or not |
Attend logistic needs | Allows to use the button "Attend", where the user can include the attendance information manually. This option is commonly internally by the user when the supplier does not use iDRAKE Logistics. |
Ignore transition confirmation of logistic needs | When enabling this option, the dialog boxes that asks if the user confirms the changes will not pop up anymore. |
To grant such permissions, read the article: Granting Access Permissions
3 - Page Guide
On the page “Control Logistic Needs“, will be possible to control all logistics features. Will be possible to create a new logistic need, associate or dissociate, inform attendance, among other features that will be displayed below.
3.1 Go to the page “Control Logistic Needs“: Tasks > Logistics > Control Logistic Needs
3.2 The page below will be displayed listing all logistic needs on Drake with their respective details.
4 - Custom Filters
To make the daily tasks easier, filters can be created according to the attendance’s needs. In the same page to control logistic needs, the custom filters are in a panel on the left.
4.1 To add a new filter, click on “Add”.
5.2 The window below will be displayed:
Fill in as requested:
Name: Filter’s name.
Description: Field to include details regarding the filter.
Shared: If this option is checked, the custom filter will be shared with all the system users, but only the creator can edit.
5.3 On the tab “Properties”, click on “Add” and the window below will open:
In this window will be set the filters to be used and it is necessary to be filled accordingly to attendant’s needs.
Property: Select the desired property to base the filter on (e.g.: Code, creator, origin, destination, etc.).
Operator: ( e.g.: Contains, equals, starts with, between, greater than, etc).
Negate : When this option is selected, means that the Operator’s (above) choice was to exclude it.(e.g.: If the Operator was selected on item Equals or Contains, the filter will understand that it is not equal or does not contain).
Value: The value that will be searched by the filter. (e.g.: If selected the item Creator, type the creator of the logistic needs.[4
5.4 To finish, click on the button “Save and Close” until getting back to the page “Control Logistic Needs”.
6 - Adding a new Logistic Need
6.1 Still on the page "Control Logistic Needs", click on “Add“to create a new logistic need.
6.2 A new window will open with the following tabs: “Logistic Need” and Person.
Fill in the fields wit the necessary information as requested.
Field | Description |
Date | Start date of the logistic |
End | End date of the logistic |
Type | Type of logistic (Airplane, Land Transportation, etc.) |
Subtype | Subtype of the logistic type selected (Car, bus, Van, etc.) |
Cost Center | Cost Center linked to the logistic |
Account | G/L Account linked to the logistic |
Source | Logistic origin |
Destination | Logistic destination |
Observation/Worker’s observation | Free text |
6.3 In the tab “Persons”, inform the participants. For this, select each participant. To finish, click on “Save and Close”.
7 - Confirming a logistic need
After creating the logistic, it needs to be confirmed. This process indicated that the data are correct and the logistic can be requested to send the supplier to be attended.
To confirm, select the item and click on “Confirm”.
The logistic’s status will be changed to “Confirmed” after this action.
8 - Cancelling a logistic need
The cancellation of a logistic need is done by using the button “Cancel”. With this same button are other options regarding the same subject.
Cancel: Indicates that the logistic will cancelled on the system and it was not communicated to the supplier yet. The logistic need will change status do “Pending Cancellation”
Request: Sends a cancellation request to the supplier. The status will change do “Cancellation requested“.
After receiving return from the supplier, the user will have the options below:
Confirm and not pay: When it is cancelled completely not generating charges to the company.
Confirm and pay: When the logistic need is cancelled, but generates charges to the company.
When clicking in “Confirm and Pay“ the flag “Pay” on needs details will be automatically filled.
This flag’s function is to inform if the logistic will be invoiced or not.
Service: When the service is cancelled by the supplier.
No Show: Indicates that the logistic was attended, but the worker did not utilize it.
To reactivate the logistic need (if necessary), click on 'Reactivate” and confirm the reactivation.
Após o procedimento a necessidade retornará para o estado "Confirmada".
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