Records - Categories

Records - Categories

1 - Introduction

This is the part where all workers categories will be registered.

This record is important considering payroll, once that the calculation rule will base on specifications that represents those workers. There are three possible categories types, Offshore, Onshore and Maritime. These records are mapped and imported during the user company’s system implementation straightly to DRAKE.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality, the permission “Categories” must be granted to the responsible profiles for operate and control the functionality.

To grant such access, read the article: Granting Access Permissions (Previous version)

3 - Steps

3.1 Go to “category Registration” on: Records > HR > Categories

3.2 After this, will be possible to view all the categories already registered. In it is necessary to add a new category, click on the “Add” button as below:

3.3 The window “New Category” will be displayed. Fill all the necessary fields.



  • Identifier - In this field is possible to add the maximum of 10 characters. Mostly used to include the Acronym.

  • Name- Include the category’s full name.

  • Category Type - Informs the system if is an Onshore, Offshore or Maritime category.

  • Base Salary Multiplier - If the informed category has any remuneration difference, inform the system considering the payroll. It is an amount that will be multiplied to the base salary to reach the finalo value calculating the daily payment for the function. The value must be a decimal, as 1.7 or 2.34.

Enabled - Inform the system if the category is active or not. If is not a valid category anymore (disabled), it is still necessary to inform the system, in order to maintain the registration and control of the company.


3.4 After filling the fields, click on “Save” and the new category is now registered and ready to be used on Records - Workers


If you are a developer and wants to know further about the multiplier, the operation below is for you:


retval = (SalarioFinal(nivelDaDiferenca) - SalarioFinal(levelFrom, salary)) / 30 * 2;

private decimal SalarioFinal(JobLevelModel level, decimal? salario = null)
salario = salario ?? level.Salary; return salario.Value * level.BaseSalaryMultiplier;

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